Tentative plans call for six programming assignments and a similar number of written homework assignments.
There will also be a midterm exam and a final.
Numeric course grades will be calculated as follows:
The programming assignments will be graded according to the following criteria (of roughly equal importance):
All assignments will be handed in electronically. In general, you will need to put every assignment in a separate Unix directory containing both your source code and your write-up.
We will strive to return assignments and homework within one week of
the due date.
Grades will be returned to you via e-mail to your CS department account.
If you do not want to read this account on a regular basis, be sure to
forward it to an account that you do read regularly. (To forward mail under
Unix, put your preferred e-mail address all by itself in a file named
For all assignments, you MUST include a text-only file called README,
in which you will cover AT LEAST the following:
There will be opportunities for extra credit on the assignments and
exams. Extra credit will be considered after making the first
cut at letter grades for the course. If you're near the top of your
bracket, or the amount of extra work you've done is particularly large,
you can expect it to push you up a grade.
Late assignments will have 10% of the maximum score for the assignment
deducted for each 24-hour
period after the due date that the assignment is late, with a limit of
5 days. Late homeworks will
NOT be accepted.
Examinations will be given at alternate times only with appropriately
documented medical excuses. There is no make up for quizzes.
A suggestion: if you are not going to have the project completed on time, take the time to work on your writeup (as described above). It is possible that you will get significant (up to 50%, or possibly more) credit even if your program does not work. Trust me, 50% is much better than 0%.
A better suggestion: don't wait until the last minute to start/complete your assignments. If you do, you will not be able to ask questions of the instructor or TAs. If you do, it is possible that the lab machines will crash and you will not be able to complete the assignment (note: machine failure does not automatically guarantee an extension).
Student conduct is governed by the College
Academic Honesty Policy, the
Undergraduate Laboratory Policies
of the Computer Science Department, and the
Acceptable Use Policy of Academic Technology Services.
The following are additional details specific to CSC 173.
Exams in CSC 173 must be strictly individual work.
Collaboration on homework and programming assignments is encouraged
at the level of ideas. Feel free to ask each other questions,
brainstorm on algorithms, or work together at a blackboard. Be careful,
however, about copying the actual code for programming assignments, or
copying the wording for written assignments. Copying code or written text
is NOT permitted. This sort of collaboration
at the level of artifacts is permitted if explicitly
acknowledged, but usually self-defeating. Specifically, you will
get zero points for any portion of an artifact that you did not
transform from concept into substance by yourself. If you neglect to
label, clearly and prominently, any code or writing that isn't your own,
that's academic dishonesty.
in your home directory on the CSUG lab machines.)
If you have any questions about your grades, see one of the TAs within one week of receiving your grade.
Write-up (README) files
Note: The last three items need not be contained in the README itself.
Instead, they can be included in a ps, pdf file contained in the
directory. Do not submit a MS Word document.
Be sure to explain anything you did that is likely to be different
from what other students may have done, and justify any design decisions
for which the rationale isn't immediately clear.
Your write-up should be coherently written,
using full sentences and paragraphs, basically like a research report.
This writeup is important! It will have a major effect on your
Once again, write-up files must be in plain ASCII or PDF format, and
must be named
This will allow us to give you partial credit for the things you
have completed.
or README.pdf
Extra Credit
Late Assignments and Absences from Exams/Quizzes
Academic Honesty
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