External interface
- Create (list L)
- Insert (listtype item, position p, list L)
- Delete (position p, list L)
- position Lookup (listtype item, list L)
- listtype Retrieve (position p, list L)
- position First (list L)
- position Next (position p, list L)
- position Prev (position p, list L)
- Store the list elements in an array, and represent positions using
integer indices.
- Prev is O(1)
- Insert and Delete are O(N)
- Arrays are usually fixed in size
- Use a linked list of records containing an item of type listtype,
and a pointer to the next record in the list. Represent positions as
pointers to the appropriate record.
- Insert and Delete are O(N) unless position p is pointer to record
containing position p-1
- Prev is O(N)
- Requires space for pointers
- Use a doubly-linked list of records, with pointers to the previous
and next records in the list. Represent positions as above.
- Prev, Insert, and Delete are O(1)
- Requires twice as much space for pointers as previous implementation