- File I/O is based on streams.
<fstream.h> must be included in your program
- First operation is to open file
ofstream outFile(char* filename,enum open_mode mode);
ifstream inFile(char* filename,enum open_mode mode);
open_mode is optional and defined in ios.h for appending, nocreate,
- Test if open operation was successful
// error occurred during open
- Use << for output and >> for input
- Output and input operators defined for standard types
- Useful to provide << for your own classes
friend ostream& opeator<<(ostream& s,YourClass& c)
- Use getline() or gets() members to read lines of text.
inFile.getline(char* buffer,int size,char delimiter);
inFile.gets(char** addrOfPtrToChar,char delimiter);
With getline() you specify buffer and maximum size.
With gets() you specify pointer to a pointer.
gets() will provide a buffer with each call and store pointer in your
pointer variable.
Both functions will read newline from file but not place it in string.
- Test state of file operations using member functions
// do something while reading data
// give error message that file output failed
Also good() and fail() available.
If stream is not good then all operations are null.
- There is a position associated with the file.
This is the byte location in the file where the next read or write
operation will take place.
- There are functions for manipulating the file position.
// move to a specific byte position in file
// move relative to a direction. seek_dir = beg, cur, end
// streamoff is offset from the seek_dir
// clear eof or bad state
// find file position
streampos inFile.tellg();
streampos outFile.tellg();
- You can look ahead in an input file or "put back" unwanted
characters in the input buffers.
int inFile.peek();
inFile.putback(char c);
- There are two in-memory streams that are defined in <strstream.h>.
char* p = new char(size);
ostrstream outString(char *p, int size);
istrstream inString(char *p,int size);
All output is written to the string specified in the ostrstream
Input is read from the istrstream.
All stream operations are valid on these streams including stream
position and state.