Grading Policy

The course grade will be based on written homework assignments, programming assignments, (possibly) in-class quizzes, a midterm, and final exam. Both exams will be in-class exams.

Your final grade will be calculated (tentatively) as follows:

Grading of Assignments

The programming assignments will be graded according to the following criteria (roughly in order of importance):

We will strive to return homework assignments within one week of receipt. Grades will be posted outside the TA's door. If you have any questions about your grades, see the TA first. If you are still not satisfied, see the instructor.

What to Turn In

For programming assignments you are required to hand in the following. The general writeup needs to be turned in as hard copy at the start of class on the due date. The rest can be turned in to the TAs using the TURN_IN script located in /u/cs173/bin. To use this script just type "TURN_IN dir_name" where dir_name is the name of a directory containing your source, executable, test runs, data files etc., as well as a Readme file or other instructions telling how to run your program and what everything is. This script puts a copy of the directory where the TA can access it under a modified name.

A programming assignment is considered late if either the source listing or executable file is not ready by the due date.

If the TA cannot execute your program for any reason, you will receive email to that effect, and a late penalty will be incurred until the program can be executed.

Late Penalty

All assignments are due at the start of class on the due date.

Any homework received after this time will be considered late.

The late penalty is 10% per day (including weekends and holidays), up to a maximum of 7 days.

Late assignments should be turned into Elaine Heberle, Room 734 CSB, who will record the time and date of receipt.

Academic Honesty

Unless otherwise noted, all homework assignments (including programming assignments) are to be done by you alone.

You may discuss the assignment with other members of the class, but there is to be absolutely NO sharing of code.

It is your responsibility to protect your source files from unwanted access.

Any cases in which one program is clearly derivative of another will be forwarded to the Academic Honesty Board of the College. If you need help, see the TA or the instructor.