A parser is an algorithm that determines whether a given input string is in a language and, as a side-effect, usually produces a parse tree for the input. There is a procedure for generating a parser from a given context-free grammar.
Recursive-descent parsing is one of the simplest parsing techniques that is used in practice. Recursive-descent parsers are also called top-down parsers, since they construct the parse tree top down (rather than bottom up).
The basic idea of recursive-descent parsing is to associate each non-terminal with a procedure. The goal of each such procedure is to read a sequence of input characters that can be generated by the corresponding non-terminal, and return a pointer to the root of the parse tree for the non-terminal. The structure of the procedure is dictated by the productions for the corresponding non-terminal.
The procedure attempts to "match" the right hand side of some production for a non-terminal.
Consider the following grammar for expressions (we'll look at the reasons for the peculiar structure of this grammar later):
We create procedures for each of the non-terminals. According to production 1, the procedure to match expressions (<E>) must match a term (by calling the procedure for <T>), and then more expressions (by calling the procedure <E*>).
procedure E; T; Estar;
Some procedures, such as <E*>, must examine the input to determine which production to choose.
procedure Estar; if NextInputChar = "+" or "-" then read(NextInputChar); T; Estar;
We will append a special marker symbol (ENDM) to the input string; this marker symbol notifies the parser that the entire input has been seen. We should also modify the procedure for the start symbol, E, to recognize the end marker after seeing an expression.
procedure E; T; Estar; if NextInputChar = ENDM then /* done */ else print("syntax error") procedure Estar; if NextInputChar = "+" or "-" then read(NextInputChar); T; Estar; procedure T; F; Tstar; procedure Tstar; if NextInputChar = "*" or "/" then read(NextInputChar); F; Tstar; procedure F; if NextInputChar = "(" then read(NextInputChar); E; if NextInputChar = ")" then read(NextInputChar) else print("syntax error"); else if NextInputChar = number then read(NextInputChar) else print("syntax error");
As an example, consider the following input: 1 + (2 * 3) / 4. We just call the procedure corresponding to the start symbol.
NextInputChar = "1" Call E Call T Call F NextInputChar = "+" /* Match 1 with F */ Call Tstar /* Match epsilon */ Call Estar NextInputChar = "(" /* Match + */ Call T Call F /* Match (, looking for E ) */ NextInputChar = "2" Call E Call T Call F /* Match 2 with F */ NextInputChar = "*" Call Tstar /* Match * */ NextInputChar = "3" Call F /* Match 3 with F */ NextInputChar = ")" Call Tstar /* Match epsilon */ Call Estar /* Match epsilon */ NextInputChar = "/" /* Match ")" */ Call Tstar NextInputChar = "4" /* Match "/" */ Call F /* Match 4 with F */ NextInputChar = ENDM Call Tstar /* Match epsilon */ Call Tstar /* Match epsilon */ Call Estar /* Match epsilon */ /* Match ENDM */
In order to implement a recursive-descent parser for a grammar, for each nonterminal in the grammar, it must be possible to determine which production to apply for that non-terminal by looking only at the current input symbol. (We want to avoid having the compiler or other text processing program scan ahead in the input to determine what action to take next.)
The lookahead symbol is simply the next terminal that we will try to match in the input. We use a single lookahead symbol to decide what production to match.
Consider a production: A --> X1...Xm. We need to know the set of possible lookahead symbols that indicate this production is to be chosen.
We donote the set of symbols that could be produced first by X1...Xm as First(X1...Xm).
To distinguish two productions with the same non-terminal on the left hand side, we examine the First sets for their corresponding right hand sides. Given the production A --> X1...Xm we must determine First(X1...Xm).
We first consider the leftmost symbol, X1.
In our expression grammar above:
First(<E>) = First(<T> <E*>) First(<T> <E*>) = First(<T>) First(<T>) = First(<F> <T*>) First(<F> <T*>) = First(<F>) = {(,number}
If X1 can generate epsilon, then X1 can (in effect) be erased, and First(X1...Xm) depends on X2.
Similarly, if both X1 and X2 can produce epsilon, we consider X3, then X4, etc.
Suppose we are attempting to compute the lookahead symbols that suggest the production A --> X1...Xm. What if each of the Xi can produce epsilon?
If the entire right hand side of a production can produce epsilon, then the lookahead for A is determined by those terminal symbols that can follow A in a parse. We denote the set of terminal symbols that can follow a non-terminal A in a parse as Follow(A).
We inspect the grammar for all occurences of the non-terminal A. In each production, A is either:
Computing the First and Follow sets for our expression grammar (as augmented with a new start symbol that includes the ENDM in the production):
First(<E>) = First(<T> <E*>) = First(<T>) First(<E*>) = {+} U {-} U Follow(<E*>) Follow(<E*>) = Follow(<E>) = {),ENDM} First(<E*>) = {+,-,),ENDM} First(<T>) = First(<F> <T*>) = First(<F>) First(<T*>) = {*} U {/} U Follow(<T*>) Follow(<T*>) = Follow(<T>) = First(<E*>) First(<T*>) = {*,/,+,-,),ENDM} First(<F>) {(,number}
The set of lookahead symbols that will cause the selection (ie., prediction) of the production A --> X1...Xm is
Predict(A --> X1...Xm) = First(X1...Xm) U If X1...Xm --> epsilon then Follow(A) else null
That is, any symbol that can be the first symbol produced by the right hand side of a production will predict that production. Further, if the entire right hand side can produce epsilon, then symbols that can immediately follow the left hand side of a production will also predict that production.
If, for two productions
Recursive-descent parsing can only parse those CFG's that have disjoint predict sets for productions that share a common left hand side. CFG's that obey this restriction are called LL(1).
From experience we know that it is usually possible to create an LL(1) CFG for a programming language. However, not all CFG's are LL(1) and a CFG that is not LL(1) may be parsable using some other (usually more complex) parsing technique.
Recursive-descent parsing can only parse grammars that have disjoint predict sets for productions that share a common left hand side.
Two common properties of grammars that violate this condition are:
Consider the following grammar for expressions:
This grammar has left recursion, and therefore cannot be LL(1). We can replace the use of left recursion with right recursion as follows:
The resulting grammar is still not LL(1); productions 1-3 share a common prefix, as do productions 4-6. We can eliminate the common prefix by defering the decision as to which production to pick until after seeing the common prefix. This technique is called factoring the common prefix.
In recursive-descent parsing, the decision as to which production to choose for a particular non-terminal is hard-coded into the procedure for the non-terminal. The procedure uses the Predict sets (computed from the First and Follow sets) for the grammar to decide which production to choose based on the lookahead symbol.
The problem with recursive-descent parsing is that it is inflexible; changes in the grammar can cause significant (and in some cases non-obvious) changes to the parser.
Since recursive-descent parsing uses an implicit stack of procedure calls, it is possible to replace the parsing procedures and implicit stack with an explicit stack and a single parsing procedure that manipulates the stack.
In this scheme, we encode the actions the parsing procedure should take in a table. This table can be generated automatically (with the grammar as input), which is why this approach adapts more easily to changes in the grammar.
The parse table encodes the choice of production as a function of the current non-terminal of interest and the lookahead symbol.
T: Non-terminals x Terminals -> Productions U {Error}The entry T[A,x] gives the production number to choose when A is the non-terminal of interest and x is the current input symbol. The table is a mapping from non-terminals x terminals to productions.
T[A,x] == A -> X1..Xm if x in Predict(A->X1..Xm) otherwise T[A,x] == Error
The driver procedure is very simple. It stacks symbols that are to be matched or expanded. Terminal symbols on the stack must match an input symbol; non-terminal symbols are expanded via the Predict function (which is encoded in the parse table).
Here is an LL(1) expression grammar, augmented to include the end marker:
The table for this expression grammar is (where a blank entry corresponds to an error):
( ) + - * / Number ENDM ------------------------------------------- S 1 1 ------------------------------------------- E 2 2 ------------------------------------------- E* 5 3 4 5 ------------------------------------------- T 6 6 ------------------------------------------- T* 9 9 9 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------- F 10 11
This table is constructed from the Predict sets described earlier.
Under table-driven parsing, there is a single procedure that "interprets" the parse table. This "driver" procedure takes the following form:
procedure Parser; /* Push the start symbol S onto the stack */ Push(S,stack) /* Initialize lookahead symbol */ scanner(NextInputSymbol) while not Empty(stack) do top = Top(stack) if top is a nonterminal then action = ParseTable[top,NextInputSymbol] if action > 0 then /* Pop top symbol * Pop(stack) /* Push RHS of production */ for each symbol on RHS #action do Push(symbol) else print("syntax error") else if NextInputSymbol == top then /* Match terminal symbol in input */ Pop(stack) /* Get next terminal symbol in input */ scanner(NextInputSymbol) else print("syntax error")
Let's trace the parse for the input 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM:
Stack Contents Current input Action 1: S 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 1 2: E ENDM 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 2 3: T E* ENDM 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 6 4: F T* E* ENDM 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 11 5: N T* E* ENDM 1 + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 6: T* E* ENDM + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 9 7: E* ENDM + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 3 8: + T E* ENDM + (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 9: T E* ENDM (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 6 10: F T* E* ENDM (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 10 11: ( E ) T* E* ENDM (2 * 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 12: E ) T* E* ENDM 2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 2 13: T E* ) T* E* ENDM 2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 6 14: F T* E* ) T* E* ENDM 2 * 3) / 4 ENDM 11 15: N T* E* ) T* E* ENDM 2 * 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 16: T* E* ) T* E* ENDM * 3) / 4 ENDM 7 17: * F T* E* ) T* E* ENDM * 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 18: F T* E* ) T* E* ENDM 3) / 4 ENDM 11 19: N T* E* ) T* E* ENDM 3) / 4 ENDM Pop 20: T* E* ) T* E* ENDM ) / 4 ENDM 9 21: E* ) T* E* ENDM ) / 4 ENDM 5 22: ) T* E* ENDM ) / 4 ENDM Pop 23: T* E* ENDM / 4 ENDM 8 24: / F T* E* ENDM / 4 ENDM Pop 25: F T* E* ENDM 4 ENDM 11 26: N T* E* ENDM 4 END Pop 27: T* E* ENDM ENDM 9 28: E* ENDM ENDM 5 29: ENDM ENDM Pop 30: Done!