What Does a "Writeup" Look Like?

Look Around!

Go downstairs in Carlson, find a recent scholarly journal in your field and pay attention to the format of the articles in it.

Follow The Links and READ!

  1. Grading Policy
  2. Sample Writeups for 160 Projects
  3. Engineering Reporting including written reports, with many useful internal pointers to small, helpful how-to pages, including a Basic Outline.
  4. Writing guidance from CS
  5. The College Writing Center

Time and Page Estimates

Students in the Fall pilot version reported 10-15 hours spent on a typical project, including programming and writing. As can be seen in the sample projects, a 12-15 page project writeup is often appropriate.


There are many choices of high-quality resources! You're not helpless...

Bruce Nauman, 1988


Last update: 04/21/2011: RN