Current idea is largely uploadable or cut and pastable scripts. Pain to get out and back in, so maybe best to run, then take questions, ad lib, free associate.
Illustrate command window, help, function list icon, function completion, some calculator-like examples. Also maybe pwd, ls, cd /whatever (on windows??) cd ../ (does this work?)
Note also: Debugger and Profiler
why not just make their first script?
Start in command window, file:new:script
type or paste
N= 100; xrange = linspace(0,2*pi,N); yrange = linspace(0,25*pi,N); lf_sine = sin(xrange); hf_sine = sin(yrange); figure plot(lf_sine+ .2*hf_sine); yrange = linspace(0,8*pi,N); mf_sine = sin(yrange); z= zeros(N,N); for x = 1:N for y = 1:N z(x,y) = lf_sine(x)+.2*mf_sine(y); end end figure surf(xrange,yrange,z); disp('done! Over to you...')
that's pretty advanced but maybe impressive... a lot to type. Could just do stuff like
disp('average of squares of integers from 1 to 5.'); total = 1^2+ 2^2+ 3^2+ 4^2+ 5^2; avesq = total/5 disp('add up integers from 1 to 50.'); disp(sum(1:50)); %increments by 1 unless say otherwise disp('another average of squares of integers from 1 to 5.'); avesq2= sum([1:5].^2) / 5 % using more built-in power
(CTRL-X) CTRL-S a useful thing: save!
Work thru the tabs and menus across top of editor...lots there, may not be worth all the detail but good to show 'em maybe
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Demos 2: Data Types
%demo2.m disp('logical'); true false pause if false 100 else -999 end pause disp('integers'); -32 x = 987497203398726723098306736098038072309 pause disp('conversion: usually does The Right Thing') 1/2 isreal(1/2) pause disp('non-zero value converts to logical true'); if -1 100 else -999 end pause disp('complex nos: solve quadratic equation x = x^2 -3x +5 =0'); x= -3 + sqrt(3*3-4*1*5)/(2*1); % quadratic formula disp(x) pause disp('row and column vectors'); r1 = [1 2 3 4] r2 = [1.5, 2.5, 3.4, 444.0] c1 = [3; 2; 1.01] arr = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] arr2 = [9 8 7 10; 6 5 4 11; 3 2 1 12] pause randarr = rand(2) weirdI= eye(2,3) pause disp('strings'); first='Pig'; second='-headed'; concatenation = [first second] findstr('gattacacaggattacccaggaggattaaac','tacc') strrep('blihblihblih','ih','ah,') pause %end demo2.m
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Demos 3: Variables and Operations
% demo3.m pause disp('variables and operations'); clear x x = 1 1x = 49 IH8U! = -999 pause num = 6 %assignment num = num+7; %re-assignment and access num+8; %no assignment pause 5+6 100^3 64/2/2/2 disp('etc etc'); %end demo3.m
% demo4.m pause % what gets printed? A = 5; B = A; B A = -99; B % X = Y is "copy the value of Y into X" not "give a value 2 names" Descriptive_Variable = 2*pi*Radius neg_sqrt_x= -3 - sqrt(3*3-4*1*5)/(2*1) % quadratic formula my_var = 4* 6^3 + x / ... (3* cos(.5)) % end demo4
% demo5.m pause disp('/,\'); 10/2 10\2 2/10 2\10 pause disp('precedence'); 2-3-4 1+2*3 3/4*2 2^2 + 10 / 7 disp('and so on...use parens!'); pause rem(32,6)*gcd(60,12)/sqrt(sin(abs(-pi/2))) pause disp('klik the function list icon!'); pause disp('try the function( completion facility'); disp('on sqrt, linspace, rand); % end demo5.m
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Demos 6: Functions on variables, constants
% demo6.m pause clear x1 = 1; x2 = 2; arr = [2 4 6 8]; who; who x* pause whos; pause clear arr; who; pause isvector(5); arr = [2 4 6 8]; isvector(arr); isreal(pi) isempty(arr) iskeyword('sin') iskeyword('if') isnan(0/0) isinf(pi/0) pause pi eps pause datevec= clock pause disp('note how number formatting makes for bulky vector display'); datevec = fix(clock) date pause % end demo6.m
% demo7.m x = [-200, -129, -128, -100, -50, -1,0,3, 60, 120, 127, 128, 200] y = int8(x) pause intmin('int16') intmax('int16') intmin('int32') intmax('int32') intmin('int64') intmax('int64') realmin('double'); realmax('double'); pause true false x = [1,2,3] x(1.0) x(2.1) x(false) disp('wtf1?!') pause x(0) disp('wtf2?!') pause x(true) x(true+ true) disp('wtf3?!') pause if (-1) 5 else -99 end % end demo7.m
% demo8.m x = [1,2,3] y = [1 2; 3, 4; 5 6] z = [ 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] ztranspose = z' pause v = 1:5 w = 10:-2:-4 u = linspace(0,pi,10) utranspose = u' pause zero33 = zeros(3) zero14 = zeros(1,4) zerolikez=zeros(size(z)) I44 =eye(4) Iwtf = eye(2,4) % end demo8.m
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Demos 9: Fun with Matrices
% demo9.m x = [1,2,3,-4] y = [5 6 7 8] concatxy = [x y] sqrtx = sqrt(x) pause xplusy = x + y z = [1 2;3 4] rotz = rot90(z) ztranspose = z' x = x rotxtwice = rot90(x,2) y = y y(7) = 3 % end demo9.m
% demo10.m x = linspace(1,10,10) x3 = x(3) x(2) = -9 x(1) = x(2)+ x(3) x(4) = log(23)*pi*x(8) pause x = linspace(2,20,10) xvecindex= x([5 4 3 2 1]) pause x = [1:4;2:5] x(:,1) x(2,:) x(:,2:3) pause null = [] length(null) y =x y(:,1) = [] x = linspace(2,20,10) x(1:2:9) = [] pause y = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] y(1:2,[1,3]) = [20 21; 22 23] y(1:2,1:2) = -99 pause x1 =x(1) x0 = x(0) % kee-rash! % end demo10.m
% demo11.m x22 = zeros(2) size(x22) pause x41= zeros(4,1) size(x41) pause x234 = zeros(2,3,4) size(x234) pause x = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; -1 -2 -3 -4] xends = x(2:end, end) y = size(x) [r,c] = size(x) % end demo11.m
% demo12.m disp('uniform') rand2 = rand(2) rand2 = rand(2) pause disp('uniform ints') randi2 = randi(10,2,2) randi2 = randi(10,2,2) pause disp('normal (Gaussian), mean=0 var=1') randn(2) disp('normal (Gaussian), mean=10 var=2') 10 + 2*randn(2) pause disp('try help random!') % end demo12.m
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