Inserting, Reading, Writing
On UR IT (Windows 7) computers,
Remove Drive
Click the "Windows Sphere" icon, then the "All Programs" tab on lower LEFT of window. Then the "Mathematics" entry, then the "Matlab" entry, then the "Matlab 2010a" entry. You should get a Matlab intro pop-up window that in time will disappear and leave you in a Matlab Command window. You're there.
If you have not started Matlab, you can find its working directory like this: Click the "Windows Sphere", then the top right-hand tab that says "Testing, testing...". Click that, find the "My Documents" icon, click that, find the "MATLAB" icon, click that, and you'll probably get an empty window with message "Folder has no files" or somesuch. You're there. If you've started Matlab, it should be looking in this working directory already.
Make sure you know what working directory Matlab is using.
Use >> pwd within Matlab to find out.
We highly recommend on UR Laboratory machines
that you be in
since very mysterious errors can happen if you're not.
If you've got a flash drive, put its contents into the above directory and
reload it from that directory when you're finished.
Matlab will save your files
and changes into this directory if you start there.
If you've started Matlab and are NOT in this directory, go there with
the Matlab command
>> cd C:/testing/Documents/MATLAB/
Using backslashes like
>> cd C:\testing\Documents\MATLAB
might work too.
Last Change: 4/20/2011 RN