There are lots of other computer vision texts. Another good one, perhaps a little less comprehensive but done in very clear and complete style, is Computer Vision by Shapiro and Stockman. Also good is Computer Vision: A Modern Aproach by Forsyth and Ponce.
Explicitly for this course: Thinking together about problems or programming projects and assignments is fine, and encouraged. Asking technical questions from your fellow students or anybody else, and getting specific answers, is fine, and you're crazy not to.
BUT do NOT share your written answers or code, or what you plan to hand in. That is, don't volunteer it, don't ask for it, don't give it, don't receive it, don't show it, don't look at it. Such sharing of WORK (not thoughts) we must consider plagiarism and we must take the necessary steps as mandated by the University. In my mind, unless work is surreptitiously stolen, both parties are equally guilty.
Last update: 15.1.01.