30% for
Written Exercises. *
* For now, written assignments are due in the prof's hands, or the turn-in box outside
Marty's office (735, opposite elevators) by 5pm on the due date as
in the classs schedule. Written assignments turned in up to 24 hours (1 day) past
the original deadline will suffer a 10% penalty on final points
otherwise earned. Assignments turned in 24 to 48
will suffer a 20% penalty.
have a catastrophic emergency (i.e., hospitalizing accident), contact
the TA. More details on stapling, etc. are in the WebCT posting
in the homework topic, labeled HW1.
** Programming projects are submitted through Blackboard. They are
when indicated but may be handed in up to a maximum of two days late (with loss of
***Success Facililitation Surveys are documents you produce in
class to help the professor and TA
Your Success.
**** You can bring two (double-sided) pages of hand-written
notes into the midterms.
As Yogi says:
"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him!"
This course follows
The University Policy on Academic Honesty .
Explicitly for this course: Thinking together about problems or
programming projects and assignments is fine, and encouraged.
Asking technical
questions from your fellow students or anybody else,
and getting specific answers, is
fine, and you're crazy not to. Going out to the web for better
explanations and examples than the text has is fine.
BUT do NOT share your written answers
or code, or what you plan to hand in. That is, don't volunteer it,
don't ask for it, don't give it, don't receive it, don't show it,
don't look at it, don't allow it to be copied, don't copy it.
Also do not do the same thing indirectly by copying answers from the
web, blogs, other textbooks, or any other non-human source.
When you use any source, either human or non-human, in an answer,
credit that source with a reference and say how you "added value" to
the content you built on to produce your answer.
Such sharing of WORK (not thoughts) we must
consider Plagiarism and we must take the necessary steps as mandated
by the University.
Unless work is surreptitiously
stolen, I both consider parties equally guilty; to dispute this, you can
always go tell your story to the BAH.
CSC / Credit Title
Days Hours
Loc'n. Instructor
242 (4 hr)
Artificial Intelligence TR
2:00-3:15 CSB 601 Brown
Julia Ferraioli
juliaf@cs.rochester.edu ).
Frank Ferraro
francis.ferraro@rochester.edu ).
CB: by appointment
Ferraioli: by appointment
Ferraro: by appointment
35% for
Team Programming Projects and Writeups. **
You can substitute an
(Individually researched and written) Paper for the Vision
Programming Assignment.
10% for SFSs***
12.5% for midterm 1.
12.5% for midterm 2.
Last update: 1.12.05.