CSC 574: Markov Chains (seminar in theory of computation)
Tuesday-Thursday 2:00pm-3:15pm in CSB 703
Preliminary schedule:
- Th 01/19 introduction
- Tu 01/24 linear algebra, probability theory review
- Th 01/26 cover time I
- Tu 01/31 cover time II
- Th 02/02 mixing time
- Tu 02/07 coupling, colorings using coupling
- Th 02/09 sampling <-> counting connection, sampling spanning trees
- Tu 02/14 sampling spanning trees (using coupling)
- Th 02/16 path coupling, application to colorings
- Tu 02/21 #P hardness, torpid mixing
- Th 02/23 independent sets (using path-coupling)
- Tu 02/28 coupling from the past (application to independent sets)
- Th 03/02 Ising model - coupling from the past
- Tu 03/07 Ising model - phase transition
- Th 03/09 dimer model (permanent) for planar graphs
- Tu 03/14 no class (spring break)
- Th 03/16 no class (spring break)
- Tu 03/21 (Markovian) coupling doesn't work for the permanent chain
- Th 03/23 conductance, canonical paths
- Tu 03/28 permanent (dense 0,1-matrices)
- Th 03/30 permanent (general 0,1-matrices, general non-negative matrices)
- Tu 04/04 Ising model in the low temperature region
- Th 04/06 lattice colorings, Potts model
- Tu 04/11 sampling from a convex body (survey of results)
- Th 04/13 counting linear extensions of a poset (reduction from volume, using coupling)
- Tu 04/18 sampling contingency tables, counting contingency tables
- Th 04/20 Fourier transform methods (applications to card shuffling)
- Tu 04/25 stopping time (applications to card shuffling)
- Th 04/27 counting knapsack solutions
- Tu 05/02 decomposition theorems, log Sobolev inequalities
Other possible topics:
- continuous time Markov chains
- simulated annealing
- simulated tempering
No book is required. Here are some relevant books (all have been placed on a 1-day reserve in Carlson):
Counting, Sampling and Integrating (Algorithms and Complexity Series),
M. Jerrum, ISBN: 3764369469.
Matrix Analysis,
R. Horn, C. Johnson, ISBN: 0521386322
Randomized Algorithms,
R. Motwani, P. Raghavan, ISBN: 0521474655
Probability and Computing : Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis,
M. Mitzenmacher, E. Upfal, ISBN: 0521835402
Finite Markov Chains and Algorithmic Applications,
O. Haggstrom, ISBN: 0521890012
Probabilistic methods for algorithmic discrete mathematics,
ISBN: 3540646221
MCMC courses