PLP 4e cover

Solutions Manual for
Programming Language Pragmatics
Fourth Edition

Suggested solutions to selected exercises are available on-line to instructors who have adopted the text.  The solutions are password protected.  Access is mediated by Elsevier; please register on-line at (US) or (international).  Once you are registered as a course instructor, the login name and password for the solutions can be found by visiting and clicking (downloading) the “Additional Resources.docx” link under the “Instructor Resources turn-down.”

(NB: As of August 2023, Elsevier’s other “Instructor Resources” links all appear to be broken artifacts of some automated site maintenance process; they can safely be ignored.)

A plea from the author:  Please do not post solutions online, and please take precautions to protect the integrity of password protected sites.  Students routinely search the Internet for answers to homework exercises from other instructors’ websites.  Please respect the need to restrict access to this material and take adequate precautions to prevent access to solutions by students not in your own courses. 

    Click here for access to password-protected site


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Last Change: 19 August 2023 / Michael Scott's email address