PLP 4e Errata
This page contains a list of all known errors in the text.
To report additional bugs, send mail to
Main book
Page 54, first line of displayed regular expression at bottom of page:
replace “
with “non-*
, /
Page 56, 3rd line of Section 2.2.1: replace “covert” with
Page 84, 8th line up from the bottom: replace “for
nonterminals” with “for terminals”.
Page 99, Figure 2.29, line 8: replace “array [symbol,
state]” with
“array [state, symbol]”.
Page 100, Figure 2.30, 25th line of derivation: replace
“stmt_list → stmt” with “stmt_list →
stmt_list stmt”.
Page 171, Exercise 3.13, third-to-last line: replace
“What does this program print? What would it print if ...”
“What is the result of evaluating
? What
would the result be if ...”.
Page 180, second-to-last line, replace “contract” with
Page 400, Example 8.57. Replace with
In OCaml, equivalent operations can be found in the List
open List;; |
'a' :: ['b'];; |
⟹ |
['a'; 'b'] |
hd ['a'; 'b'];; |
⟹ |
'a' |
hd [];; |
⟹ |
run-time exception |
tl ['a'; 'b'; 'c'];; |
⟹ |
['b'; 'c'] |
tl ['a'];; |
⟹ |
[] |
tl [];; |
⟹ |
run-time exception |
['a'; 'b'] @ ['c'; 'd'] |
⟹ |
['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'] |
Run-time exceptions may be caught by the program if desired,
using techniques
we will cover in Section 9.4. OCaml programmers are
encouraged, however, to
avoid hd
and tl
in favor of the
construct (Section 11.4.4), which makes it
easier to ensure, at compile time, that run-time exceptions will never
Page 499, last paragraph of Example 10.28: replace “in languages
that use a uniform value model for class-type variables” with
“in languages
that use a uniform reference model for class-type
Page 579, signature for
in Example 11.74: replace
“val fold : ('a * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a list -> 'b =
“val fold : ('a * 'b -> 'a) * 'a * 'b list -> 'a =
Page 691, Exercise 13.9(a): replace “it is not sufficient”
with “it suffices”.
Page 691, Exercise 13.9(b): replace the entire question with “In
that same figure, without
labels, explain why it
suffices to enclose each thread’s code in a
block for some common shared object O, but it does
not suffice to enclose only the pairs of reads in
C and D.
Page 715, Figure 14.3, line 10: replace
i == 0
“i == 1
Page 715, one line before Example 14.21: replace
” with
Page 723, displayed code fragment: replace
” with
Page 786, Figure 15.6:
- replace the current productions for read,
write, and writeln with

call : stmt1 → id expr stmt2
expr.next_free_reg := stmt2.next_free_reg :=
stmt1.code := expr.code + [“a1 :=” expr.reg]
+ [“call” id.stp→symbol] + stmt2.code
call : expr1 → id expr2
expr2.next_free_reg := expr1.next_free_reg
expr1.reg := reg_names[expr1.next_free_reg mod k]
expr1.code := expr2.code + [“a1 :=”
expr2.reg] + [“call” id.stp→symbol] +
[expr1.reg “:= rv”]
null : expr → ε
expr.reg := “r1” −−
expr.code := null

- in the productions for assign and id,
replace “stp→name”
with “stp→symbol”.
- in the productions for <>, >, and −,
erase the right-triangle glyph.
Page 787, Figure 15.6 (continued): replace the first four lines with

macro handle_op(ref result, L_operand, R_operand
: syntax_tree_node; op : string)
L_operand.next_free_reg := result.next_free_reg0
R_operand.next_free_reg := result.next_free_reg + 10
result.reg := L_operand.reg
Page 789, Figure 15.7:
- replace lines 8–14 (the ones right after “main:”) with
a1 := r1 −− harmless
call getint −− “getint”
and “putint” are library subroutines
−− to be found by the linker
r1 := rv
i := r1
a1 := r1 −− harmless
call getint
r1 := rv
j := r1
- replace the last 7 lines with
r1 := i
a1 := r1
call putint
goto exit −− return to operating system
NB: Errata on pages 786, 787, and 789 “go together.”
Corrected images of these three pages are available HERE.
Page 790: delete “Check Your Understanding” question number
(The answer is no longer covered in this edition.)
Page 811: second full paragraph, line 10: replace “easily
if” with “easily than it could if”.
Companion site
- Page C-29, Figure 3.18: in the code at right, move
char J;
” from the beginning of F1
to the beginning of F2
. Also, in the table at left,
in the first J
entry, change the scope number from 5 to 6.
Page C-259, 3rd line of second paragraph under “Internet Alphabet
Soup”: replace “Wide Wide” with “Wide
- Page C-316, Figure 17.6: in Block 3, insert “φ”
before each of the left parentheses.
- Page C-346, Figure 17.19:
replace |
“v19 |
with |
“v19 |
; replace |
“v26 |
with |
“v26 |
. |
r4” |
r0” |
r5” |
r1” |
- Page C-346, Figure 17.20,
left column, line 3: replace |
“∗r5 := 1” |
with |
“∗r1 := 1” |
; |
left column,
lines 8 & 9: replace |
“r5 := r4 << 1 |
with |
“r5 := r0 << 1 |
; |
r3 := r4” |
r3 := r0” |
left column, line 14: replace |
“r6 := r4 div r2” |
with |
“r6 := r0 div r2” |
; |
right column, line 1: replace |
“r5 := r5 + 4” |
with |
“r1 := r1 + 4” |
; |
right column,
lines 3 & 4: replace |
“r4 := r6 x r3 |
with |
“r0 := r6 x r3 |
; |
∗r5 := r6” |
∗r1 := r6” |
right column,
lines 10 & 11: replace |
“r6 := r4 div r2 |
with |
“r6 := r0 div r2 |
. |
∗(r5+4) := r6” |
∗(r1+4) := r6” |
NB: A corrected image of page C-346 is available
Thanks to
Carl Albing, Wentao Cai, Nicholas Coleman, Chen Ding, Samuel Estep,
Alexander Gutierrez, Lucian Ilie, Andrew Jarvis, Shuo (Max) Li,
Sreepathi Pai, Colin Pronovost, Amila Senadheera, Ben Steele, Yanling
Wang, and Zhizhou Zhang for their help in catching these mistakes.
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