PLP 2e cover

A Message from the Author

Programming Language Pragmatics
Second Edition

I’m delighted to join the staff at Morgan Kaufmann in introducing the second edition of Programming Language Pragmatics.  We have worked to make PLP the most comprehensive and accurate languages text available, in a style that is engaging and accessible to the typical undergraduate.  This second edition, I believe, strengthens both the content and the presentation. 

In response to the rise of such topics as virtual machines, scripting languages, mobile code, and graphical user interfaces, both instructors and professionals want to see an integrated treatment of language design and language implementation.  Just like the earlier edition, PLP 2e stresses this sort of integration, while retaining a central focus on programming language design.  It covers almost all of the Programming Language “Knowledge Units” of the IEEE/ACM Computing Curricula 2001 report, suitable for a wide variety of courses. 

Regarding the technical content, you’ll find that we’ve added coverage of Java 5, C# (v.2.0), and C99.  Dozens of other topics are updated.  Perhaps the most important addition is scripting, which is covered in a comprehensive new chapter and throughout the rest of the text.  We also felt it was important to make the book more accessible, so we added numerous features to enhance study and subsequent review. 

A companion CD includes a wealth of material for students, while a companion Web site provides support for instructors only.  To help reduce the list price to the student, the 2nd edition has been printed as a high quality paperback volume. 

We were fortunate to have feedback from dozens of reviews and adopters of the first edition (used at over 100 schools).  In addition, PLP 2e was class-tested at a dozen schools, and had an extensive technical review.  I am grateful for these contributions from so many colleagues and am proud of this new edition.  I hope you will consider it as you plan your upcoming courses. 

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Last Change: 08 May 2006 / Michael Scott's email address