CSC 2/458

Parallel and Distributed Systems

Spring 2019.

Course Description

With the explosion of the Internet over the past 25 years, and with the proliferation of PC clusters in the server/data center marketplace, distributed computing has become central to most of computer science.  It also remains the dominant computing paradigm in very high-end scientific computation.  With the end of Denard scaling and the rise of multicore some 15 years ago, shared memory parallelism has become similarly ubiquitous in the desktop/laptop/cell phone market.  Almost every nontrivial program today is multithreaded. 

CSC 2/458 is a loosely structured course devoted to all aspects of parallel and distributed systems.  Core topics to be covered include

In keeping with the multicore revolution and the instructor’s current interests, the course this semester will be weighted somewhat toward shared memory parallelism.

Prerequisites: CSC 2/454 and 2/456 or equivalent. 

Warning:  This will be a time-intensive and discussion-heavy class.  We will be drawing on a wide range of written material, including multiple journal and conference papers.  Reading is mandatory and must be completed in advance.  Barring illness and similar issues, class attendance is also mandatory.  If you can’t commit to being present and prepared for each class session, please don’t take the course

Additional topics will depend to some degree on the interests of participants.  Possibilities include

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Last Change: 06 January 2019 / Michael Scott's email address