Resources for CSC 2/456
The main computers for the course will be the machines of the
Undergraduate CS Labs.
Machines in the Inner Lab (CSB 727, south door) are available to all
students in the
course. Machines in the West Lab (CSB 633) are available only to CS majors.
One of the lab machines (
) is
dedicated to use as a remote login server for access across the campus
Students with accounts in the CS research labs may elect
to work there instead.
Students in both CSC 256 and CSC 456 should subscribe to the electronic
newsgroup ur.cs456, through which class announcements will be made.
The professor's lecture notes are available on-line.
Notes from last year are also available.
The text for this course,
Operating System Concepts (5e), by Silberschatz and Galvin,
is available from the bookstore. One or two additional copies will
eventually be on reserve at Carlson. Be advised that previous editions
of the book are substantially different.
A growing number of OS resources are available on the Internet.
If you run across something interesting, let me know, and I'll add it to
this list.
Textbook home page
Supplemental resource list from NC State (highly recommended)
- Linux
- Companies and Organizations
Most of these texts are available from Carlson Library.
Most of them will be on reserve.
If you find one that isn't on reserve, please don't hog it forever.
Also, please note that this list is far from exhaustive.
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating
System, by McKusick, Bostic, Karels, and Quarterman. An
exceptionally clear and well-written book explaining the innards of
Berkeley Unix. This is basically the same system available as
FreeBSD and NetBSD.
Inside Windows NT (2nd edition), by
D. A. Solomon. The official guide to NT, aka Windows 2000.
Linux Kernel Internals, by
M. Beck et al. Not a very good book, but about as good as you can
find in text form.
Modern Operating Systems, by
A. S. Tanenbaum. One of the other leading OS texts. Has been used
for 2/456 in the past. Half the book is on distributed systems.
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, by
A. S. Tanenbaum. The Minix book. Organized around a complete
pedagogical version of Unix (source code included in text). The
book that inspired Linus Torvalds to write Linux.
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, by
J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson. The definitive text on computer
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
Interface, by J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson. The CSC 252 text.
Parallel Computer Architecture: a Hardware/Software Approach,
by Culler and Singh. A somewhat wordy, but modern and comprehensive
resource on multicomputers and multiprocessors.
For references on any specific system, consult the bibliography in the
textbook, or see the professor.
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