Write a 2-4 page proposal describing an idea for innovative ITRUG research, its potential benefits, and the resources you would need to bring it about.
Proposals are due by the beginning of class on Thursday, February 26. Please generate your proposal in PDF format only, and e-mail to the TA. Kirk will post the proposals on-line as they arrive; you can find them through his index page You are then to read them all, and rank them according to the NSF review criteria. Send your rankings, via email to the professor, no later than 6:00am on Tuesday, March 2. (I want to have the compiled rankings available for use in class that day.) You are required to rank the proposals (including your own) in a strict total order from #1 (best) to #19 (worst) — no ties.
Final rankings and panel outcomes can be found HERE. Yellow shaded lines are proposals written by members of panel A and debated by members of panel B; white lines are proposals written by members of panel B and debated by members of panel A. The column marked “average” gives the average rank (1–18) given the proposal by all members of the class (across both panels); the column marked “variance&8221; is the variance in those rankings (sum of the squares of the differences from the average). Proposals are listed in order of these average rankings. The order differs slightly from that of the in-class handout due to post-class correction of one student's ranks.