Computer Models and Limitations (CSC 280) — Summer 2022

Course Description (from CDCS)

Students will gain an understanding of fundamental computer models and their computational limitations. Topics comprise: finite-state machines, the context-free languages, pumping lemmas, Turing machines, decidable and Turing-recognizable languages, undecidability, NP-completeness. Prerequisites: CSC 173 & MATH 150

Course outcomes

Course Webpage

Course Structure

The course will be run in a hybrid-synchronous manner. All students are expected to attend lectures (see grading). Class sessions will not always be one-directional lectures and will often comprise of in-class exercises or activies to reinforce learning, so please be ready to be asked to participate. On that note, I may call on students during class lectures in a rotational manner (different students every time). This is not to put you on the spot, but rather to keep everyone included. If that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know ahead of time.

Instructor Information

Name: Michael C. Chavrimootoo (he/him/his)
Email: michael (dot) chavrimootoo (at) r o c h e s t e r (dot) e d u (Students can generally expect a response within 24 hours on weekdays. This does not apply to homework questions sent within 24 hours of the due date. I highly recommend you start your work early.)
Office Hours: TBD via Zoom. Link will be on Blackboard.

TA Information

Name: Henry Welles (he/him/his)
Email: hwelles (at) u (dot) r o c h e s t e r (dot) e d u


Monday–Thursday from 10:00AM to 12:30PM (EDT) in CSB 209 or via Zoom. See Blackboard for the Zoom link. Attendance is required (see grading). You must request special accommodation if you cannot attend lectures synchronously (and there are few reasons that apply for such accommodations).


Tuesdays and Thursday from 6:15PM to 7:30PM (EDT) via Zoom. See Blackboard for the Zoom link. Attendance is not required, but it is strongly recommended as the material is hard and the homeworks are tricky, but Henry is an excellent TA.

Course Material

The following textbook is required for the course and it is an excellent resource. It is available for free at the Carlson Library.


See here. The schedule is subject to change, depending on the class's pace.


You will be graded on the following basis: The different items in each category are equally weighted. Attendance is mandatory and counts towards your final grade. Most of the material is quite abstract and to aid in your learning doing in-class exercises is most productive.
Life happens and you may sometimes need to miss class. I will automatically give everyone two "free passes": what that means is that you can miss up to two class sessions without affecting your attendance grade. You don't have to explain yourself, just take them. I will not give more of those (unless there are an extenuating cirumstance such as sickness, death, among others).
Additional guidelines may be provided in class.

Homework Rules

You can expect four (4) homeworks in this course (see schedule), each weighted equally. You are allowed to discuss homeworks with your peers and you can work together, but you must write your answers individually, i.e., when you write your solutions, it must be without any external help (such as notes from discussing with a friends; the textbooks, lecture slides, and your course notes are fair game however).
Homeworks will be released early enough to give students ample time to complete them. Late homeworks will receive a grade of zero (0), unless you have received an extension from me (all extensions must be requested well in advance, e.g., asking for an extension 20 minutes before the deadline is not "well in advance"). I strongly recommend students to always submit something, even if it's partly done, rather than submit nothing. Partial credit can sometimes add up quite nicely.

Grade Disputes

All grade disputes must be taken up to the instructor within two business (2) days from when the grade was assigned. Do not discuss issues of grading with tutors, TAs, or peers as they have no control on the grading.

Disabilities and/or Accommodations

Please reach out to the relevant office and have them inform me if you need any accommodations, so that I can provide them properly.

Academic Integrity

UR's academic honesty policy will be strictly enforced. You should only submit work that is completely your own. Failure to do so counts as academic dishonesty and so does being the source of such work. Submitting work that is in large part not completely your own work is a flagrant violation of basic ethical behavior and will minimally be punished with failing the course.

If you're worried about your performance in the course, reach out to m before considering academic dishonesty. If you're facing a grey area and aren't sure if you might do something dishonest, reach out to me. At the end of the day, I care about your success and wish to help to you.

Zoom/Class Etiquette

Lectures will be recorded. Office hours will not be recorded. You are expected to show mature and respectful behavior both in lectures and in office hours. Do not hesitate to add your preferred name and pronouns in your Zoom name.

Some tips:


This page is subject to change throughout the term. Important changes will be announced in class.