Blank lines start a new paragraph - don't start
a new paragraph after an equation in the middle of a sentence.
\[ e^{\pi i} = -1 \]
where $i=\sqrt{-1}.$
\[ e^{\pi i} = -1 \]
where $i=\sqrt{-1}.$
in order to avoid having the word "where" indented as the
beginning of a new paragraph.
Use \left( and \right) to get parens that are the right size for whatever is inside them
For a variable or function name consisting of more than one letter, use \mathit{func} or \mathrm{func}. Otherwise, latex interprets this as f*u*n*c.
For angled brackets to denote tuples, use \langle and \rangle, not < and >.
For citations that are used as part of a sentence, use "Smith (1990) claims..."
not "(Smith 1990) claims...". In the urcsbiblio style, this can be accomplished
with "\namecite{Smith90} claims...".
TeX assumes that a period ends a sentence unless it follows an uppercase letter.
Use "Smith et al.\ claim", not "Smith et al. claim".
At the end of a sentence, use "consisting of an NP\@.", not "consisting of an NP.".