WFDF Official Rules of Flying Disc Sports
Article III - Guts
Copyright (c) 1994, WFDF
Last Change: 20 Jul 1994
Comment: Guts is a sport played between two teams of one to
five players each. The objective is to be the first team to score 21
points. To start play, each team lines up facing each other 14 m
apart. Play is accomplished by a player attempting to throw the disc
toward or at the opposing team and within the reach of at least 1
player of that team, in such a manner that the opposing team cannot
make a clean catch. Scoring is contingent on the success or failure of
the throwing team. A good throw, without a catch, results in a point
for the throwing team and a bad throw results in a point for the
receiving team.
Outline of Contents
301. Field of Play
- 301.01. Dimensions:
- The field of play shall consist of two parallel lines, designated
as foul or goal lines, parallel to each other and 14 m apart (15 yd,
11 in). The line shall be equal to the cumulative width of the scoring
zones of the players on the team behind the respective line.
- 301.02. Surface:
- The playing field may have any surface, although well-trimmed
grass is suggested, which is essentially flat, free of obstructions
and holes, and affords reasonable player safety.
- 301.03. Markings:
- The foul or goal lines shall be marked with a non caustic material
and shall be between 5 and 10 cm wide. The length of the lines shall
be 15 m. As an alternative, a rope along the foul line, secured in
place at the end of each line may be used. The choice of whether to
use the rope shall be made by the tournament director prior to the
start of play.
- 301.04. Spectator Control:
- The entire playing area shall be separated from the spectators by
lines or rope to insure spectator safety and prevent unnecessary
interference of play.
302. Equipment
- 302.01. The Disc:
- The Pro model Frisbee disc is the disc to be used for guts. In
non-sanctioned competition, any disc may be used if agreed upon by
both teams.
- 302.02. Protective Clothing:
- Players may wear any soft protective clothing other than that set
forth in 302.03, so long as it does not
endanger the safety of any other player.
- 302.03. Gloves:
- Gloves may be worn on the hands but shall be unpadded, not
exceeding one thickness of leather over the palm. Players are not
allowed to use tack cloths or sticky substances which remain on the
- 302.04. Uniforms:
- The players of a team shall not be required to wear uniforms to
distinguish them from the players of the other team.
- 302.05. Cleats:
- Cleats are permitted, however, players may not use any cleats
which have any metal exposed.
303. Rules of Play
- 303.01. Rules in Effect:
- The WFDF rules of play shall govern play for guts, except that a
game may be played under any variations of the rules, if said
variations are agreed upon by the two teams. In tournament play, such
variations are subject to the approval of the tournament director.
- A. Determining Possession:
- To determine which team will have possession at the start of the
game, the disc flipping method shall be used as set forth in Article I of WFDF rules. The winner of the flip has the
option of choosing to make the first throw or choosing the side of the
field they will defend. The loser of the flip shall be given the
remaining choice. In a two out of three match, the team losing each
game has the option to choose first in the following game.
- B. Start of Play:
- Prior to commencing the exchange, the team designated to make the
first throw shall choose a thrower. The thrower shall signal his
intention to deliver the throw by raising his arm and shall wait for a
corresponding signal of readiness from the receiving team. After the
readiness signal is received, all players on the throwing team, other
than the thrower, shall hold their positions until the exchange is
- C. Readiness:
- Prior to the commencement of the exchange, a player on the
receiving team shall signal his team's readiness to accept the throw,
either vocally or by raising his arm. At that time, all players on the
receiving team shall be positioned with their toes on the goal line
and at such a distance apart that two players in adjacent positions
shall be able to touch finger tips by extending their respective arms
parallel to the ground in the direction of each other. Each player
must remain in their position until the throw is released.
- D. The Exchange:
- The exchange consists of the throw and the attempted catch, and
ends upon a catch being made or a point being scored.
- E. Movement by Receiving Team:
- Once the disc is released by the thrower, players on the receiving
team may move in any direction.
- F. Play:
- Play is accomplished by continuing one exchange after the next
until one team scores enough points to win the game. After an exchange
is completed, the teams shall alternate their roles such that the team
that was the throwing team on the previous exchange shall become the
receiving team, and vice versa.
- 303.02. Throwing
- A. Designation of Thrower:
- The designation of a player to be the thrower for a given exchange
shall be made by one of the following methods, depending upon the
- (1) Option of Throwing Team:
- The throwing team shall choose the thrower for an exchange for the
initial throw of the game.
- (2) Contingent Upon Previous Exchange:
- Whenever a player makes a good catch while his team is receiving,
that player shall be the thrower on the subsequent exchange. If two
players are equidistant from the throw and both fail to touch it, then
the throwing team will decide which of the two players shall return
the throw. Whenever the players on the receiving team fail to make a
good catch, but do touch the disc during the exchange, the player who
first touched the disc shall be the thrower on the subsequent
- B. Good Throw:
- A good throw is made when all of the following requirements are
- (1)
- The throw travels to or through the scoring zone of a player on
the receiving team, reaching the goal line prior to touching the
- (2)
- The throw crosses or hits the goal line topside up at an angle of
less than 90 degrees to the ground;
- (3)
- The throw is released while the thrower's supporting points are
behind the foul line; and
- (4)
- The disc is not intentionally bent to alter its true flight.
- C. Positioning of Teammates:
- Teammates of the thrower may stand anywhere behind the foul line
during the throwing exchange so long as their location does not
obstruct the vision of, or otherwise distract the receiving team.
- D. Fouls:
- Fouls occur whenever the thrower steps on the line before or
during the release. Fouls shall be called by a designated player of
the throwing team as they occur. The player designated shall be
located on one end of the foul line to provide a clear view of the
position of the thrower relative to the line.
- 303.03. Catching:
- A. Definition:
- A clean catch shall satisfy all of the following requirements:
- (1)
- The disc shall be held solely in one hand long enough to establish
complete control;
- (2)
- The disc shall not be touched by any two parts of a player's body
at any one time; and
- (3)
- The disc shall not touch the ground prior to all other
prerequisites being satisfied.
- 303.04. Scoring Zone:
- A. Definition:
- The scoring zone is an area within which a receiving player, by
using optimum effort, can reach an on-coming disc without leaving his
feet. The scoring zone is in effect a two-dimensional vertical plane,
perpendicular to the field and intersecting the field at the goal
line. The perimeter of the scoring zone is delineated as follows:
- (1)
- The bottom of the plane shall be the goal line;
- (2)
- The top of the plane is an imaginary line, directly above and
parallel to the goal line, which intersects the top of the longest
finger of the longer arm of the receiving player when said arm is
extended upward and perpendicular to the ground;
- (3)
- The sides of the plane are imaginary lines, one on each side of
the player, perpendicular to the goal line and the top of the plane,
which intersect the outstretched longest fingers of each arm of the
player when his arms are held parallel to the goal line.
- B. Optimum Effort:
- A player shall not be required to leave the ground to reach a
throw. If a receiving player does move in such a way (such as jump) as
to vertically increase his reach beyond his optimum effort, a throw by
or below the required outstretched hand shall constitute a good throw,
notwithstanding that the throw may have been outside the player's
original scoring zone prior to the movement. By moving vertically, a
player increases the height of his scoring zone.
- 303.05. Scoring:
- A. Game:
- Each game shall be played until one team scores 21 points, with a
margin of victory of at least two points.
- (1)
- A game with a score of 20 to 20 goes into overtime and play
continues until a two- point margin is achieved by a team.
- (2)
- Teams should switch ends of court at 11-point (cumulative)
- B. Points:
- (1)
- A point shall be scored by the throwing team whenever a good throw
is made into a scoring zone of one of the receiving players and the
receiving team fails to make a good catch, unless a foul was committed
by the throwing team, in which case no point is scored.
- (2)
- A point shall be scored by the receiving team whenever the
throwing team fails to make a good throw, unless the failure was the
result of a foul, in which no point is scored. The receiving team
shall not be required to make a good catch if a good throw is not
- (3)
- A good throw by the throwing team with a corresponding good catch
by the receiving team shall not be scored as a point for either team.
- 303.06. Substitutions:
- A. When Allowable:
- Substitutions may be made, at any time, after one team reaches 11
points in the match. Further, there shall be no restrictions on a
player returning to play after having left for a substitution.
- B. Injury:
- A team may substitute, at any time, for an injured player.
Further, a team may substitute a player who is not a member of the
team, for an injured player, as long as that player is not registered
as a player on any other guts team in the tournament. The injured
player is not permitted to return for the remainder of the match.
- 303.07. Judging:
- A. General:
- The players shall generally make the calls in the match. Usually
the thrower shall make calls on the throw and the receiver shall make
calls on the catch.
- B. Disputes:
- In the event of a dispute, the team captains shall meet to discuss
and resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved, the throw
attempt shall be repeated.
- C. Observers:
- At their discretion, the captains, or the captains and the
tournament director, may decide to select up to three experienced
individuals, who are not participating in the game, to act as
observers. The duty of the observer is to carefully watch the action
of the game for the sole purpose of rendering a decision in the event
of a dispute that cannot be resolved. Observers shall remain passive
and shall not make any calls on their own initiative.
- (1)
- When a dispute arises which cannot be resolved by the players
involved or their captains, the observers may be called upon by the
captains to make the call. The observer with the best view of the play
makes the call. If the observers choose, they may discuss the play
among themselves before rendering a decision.
- (2)
- By calling in the observers, the teams agree to abide by the
observers' decision.
- (3)
- Use of observers will be based on the observer's handbook.
304. Glossary
Exchange: One play of guts, commencing with the throw and
ending with either a catch by the receiving team or a point being
Foul Line: One of two parallel lines, 14 m apart, the other
line being designated as the goal line. The foul line is the line
closer to the throwing team while the goal line is the line closer to
the receiving team.
Goal Line: See 301.01 relating to "foul
line" for explanation.
Good Throw: A throw that meets the requirements set forth in
section 303.02(B).
Optimum Effort: The extension of the hands and arms by the
player on the receiving team nearest the disc as it crosses the goal
Receiving Team: During an exchange, the team involved in
attempting to catch the thrown disc.
Scoring Zone: Area within which a receiving player, by
extending his arms and hands, can reach an oncoming disc while his
feet remain stationary. The scoring zone shall be delineated by an
imaginary vertical plane as more fully set forth in section 303.05 herein. Each player has an
individual scoring zone to his optimum effort. The team scoring zone
is simply the cumulative of the player scoring zones.
Throwing Team: In an exchange, the team who is attempting to
score by making a throw into a scoring zone of a player on the
receiving team.
Vertical Plane: A plane, perpendicular to the ground, being two
dimensional in nature, with said dimension defined by the foul line.
With respect to the receiving team, the vertical plane shall equal the
scoring zone, and shall be finite as set forth in section 303.05 herein. With respect to the
vertical plane relating to the throwing team, the plane shall be
infinite in nature, defined only by the proximity of the foul line and
its perpendicular angle to the field.