HIPS 2007, High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments March 26th, 2007

Workshop Program
March 26th, 2007

8:00am-10:00am Session I
Chair: Dr. Sven-Bodo Schulz, U. of Hertfordshire, UK

Optimizing Inter-Nest Data Locality Using Code Restructuring and Loop Transformations    Sofiane Naci (University of Cambridge, UK)

Explaining StGermain: An aspect oriented environment for building extensible computational mechanics modeling software
    Steve Quenette (VPAC, AU), Louis Moresi (Monash University, AU), Patrick Sunter (VPAC, AU), William Appelbe (VPAC, AU) (Slides)

Automatic Performance Diagnosis of Parallel Computations with Compositional Models   
Li Li (University of Oregon, US), Allen Malony (University of Oregon, US) (Slides)

Reifying Control of Multi-Owned Network Resources
    Nadeem Jamali (University of Saskatchewan, CA), Chen Liu (University of Alberta, CA) (Slides)

Evaluation of Stream Virtual Machine on Raw Processor
    Jinwoo Suh (Univ of Southern Californica, US), Richard Lethin (Reservoir Labs., US), Stephen Crago (USC, US), Janice McMahon (USC, US), Dong-In Kang (USC, US)(Slides)

A Multi-Level Parallel Implementation of a Program for Finding Frequent Patterns in a Large Sparse Graph
     Steven Reinhardt (SGI, US), George Karypis (Dept of CS, U. of Minnesota, US)

10am-10:30am Break

10:30am-12:20pm Invited Talks
Chair: Dr. Chen Ding, U. of Rochester, USA

Programming Distributed Memory Sytems Using OpenMP (paper, slides)    Rudolf Eigenmann, Purdue University

The OpenUH Compiler: A Community Resource (abstract, slides)      Barbara Mary Chapman, University of  Houston

12:20pm-1:20pm Lunch

1:20pm-3:00pm Session II
Chair: Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

An Efficient Distributed Shared Memory Toolbox for MATLAB    Rajkiran Panuganti (The Ohio State University, US), Muthu Baskaran (Ohio State University, US), Atanas Rountev (Ohio State University, US), Ponnuswamy Sadayappan (Ohio State University, US) (Slides)

Bandwidth Efficient All-reduce Operation on Tree Topologies   Pitch Patarasuk (Florida State University, US), Xin Yuan (Florida State University, US)

Runtime Optimization of Application Level Communication Patterns   Edgar Gabriel (University of Houston, US), Shuo Huang (University of Houston, US) (Slides)

High Performance MPI on IBM 12x InfiniBand Architecture   Abhinav Vishnu (The Ohio State University, US), Brad Benton (IBM, US), Dhabaleswar Panda (The Ohio State University, US) (Slides)

Coordinating Data Parallel SAC Programs with S-Net   Clemens Grelck (University of Hertfordshire, UK), Sven-Bodo Scholz (University of Hertfordshire, UK), Alex Shafarenko (University of Hertfordshire, UK) (Slides)

3:00pm-3:30pm Break

3:30pm-6pm TOPMoDRS Session

Created by Xiaoming Gu