phasecong.m MATLAB code for calculating Phase Congruency and Phase Symmetry/Asymmetry.
nonmaxsup.m MATLAB code for non-maxima suppression.
hysthresh.m MATLAB code for hysteresis thresholding.
Example MATLAB session:
>> [im, map] = tiffread('picci.tif'); % Read the image and its colour map >> colormap(map); % Set colour map >> image(im); % Display the image >> [pc orient] = phasecong(image); % Calculate phase congruency. >> imagesc(pc); % Display the phase congruency image >> nonmax = nonmaxsup(pc, orient, 1.5); % Perform non-maximal suppression >> features = hysthresh(nonmax, 0.3, 0.15); % Hysteresis threshold >> imagesc(features); % Look at the result