The People's Democratic Republic of Zurbia (Ratûrespublikum Demokrâtef Zerbû), located on the Dzeshret-plateau, has an area of 678.000 sq km and a population of 28.9 million. Capital: Hatan Bulag. Agriculture, forestry and mining are the principal industries. Timber, raw rubber, bauxite and industrial diamonds are exported.
The English were the first Europeans to explore the Dzeshret-plateau area, 16th century. Traditional backwardness in industry and administration ill prepared Zurbia for the demands of 19th century Western expansionism which exposed it to military and political humiliations, and mandated a drastic revision of political practice in order to secure an accommodation with the modern world.
The Republic of 1935 barley survived the stress of World War II Japanese occupation, and was subsequently all but shattered by the rise of nationalism and the emergence of the Zurbian Communist movement. Moscow, which practiced a policy of cooperation between Communists and other parties in movements for national liberation, sought to establish an entente between the Zurbian Communist Party and the Partî Ratomo-movement ('People's Party') of General A. Klinkanai. The ensuing cooperation was based on little more than the hope each had of using the other.
An increasingly uneasy association between the Partî Ratomo and the Zurbian Communist Party developed and continued until July 31, 1965, when General A. Klinkanai took over power through a coup-de-etat. He has ruled the country with iron-hand ever since.
On the 1st of September a new cryptosystem was put into use on the Hatan-Bulag -
Cvirc radioteletype link used by the Pzilatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Below are found fifteen telegrams transmitted from the first of September to the fifth
- provided by the Ruritanian Intercept Service (R.I.S.) - all using the new system (systems?).
The Pzilatians are known to take a special interest in the matters and doings of the Zurbian Navy as well as opposing the Zurbian totalitary regime.
Some probable names likely to occur in the diplomatic traffic would be:
TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 01 0930 NR: 90101 GR: 144 72224 03073 71789 97042 09288 36880 32817 73098 30590 79583 36688 06113 84326 52846 32641 33428 32477 03721 81059 56733 85046 38749 31147 08377 09031 37210 09032 03073 38224 08377 09937 37144 09930 36880 72224 32917 09437 03073 70214 08377 09570 31123 09575 37210 09578 70419 70651 09554 70419 31290 76032 74541 09177 03073 71789 08377 09213 37947 09210 70419 75450 73720 30904 32227 71172 78875 06052 86013 36880 74173 08340 06123 17186 31290 31053 56908 59896 84373 77597 76968 75623 09525 78875 31290 74731 01337 03073 32897 75184 73025 34586 72609 35142 36880 32227 75184 30138 34586 06113 15186 04024 15194 39899 70419 75760 72427 03073 32817 73098 74541 08377 30590 79583 36688 32477 06186 04194 31053 33428 03721 87504 17500 72817 38749 38224 09939 36880 70651 08377 09557 37144 09550 70419 75393 74541 09958 70419 70214 08377 09571 31123 09579 37947 09572 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 01 1100 NR: 90102 GR: 113 40415 77211 86334 00278 62856 67609 83226 66787 73066 73912 73301 40104 07006 77318 79247 72983 68802 77211 83796 70379 80763 71511 81267 80110 73502 70119 69648 40411 77318 76541 89577 75478 62856 03755 25260 68945 02423 84467 09859 68945 85984 73132 84916 70398 61572 72270 75784 64887 76541 89463 75427 78690 87724 76541 70736 79597 83226 89997 70425 86482 89577 84498 78079 73768 72237 85023 63448 40423 40801 24415 81211 83226 71933 68794 81001 81988 82946 79995 82400 78612 60600 70204 67054 72270 84742 73035 62877 72983 73502 79995 73920 77051 62877 80262 76797 70425 83074 68678 81001 68802 70753 73584 68469 89577 72983 73584 63423 65415 84608 84467 40890 07423 65695 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 01 1145 NR: 90103 GR: 67 58112 06663 04649 40688 07718 07865 24301 58112 25926 01658 28276 18295 56300 59920 28995 13568 76138 56839 00144 52889 21532 20276 52742 07396 25243 02394 03905 21532 78033 13127 25693 71918 59920 76536 25693 07508 08481 07865 24309 01107 03059 59642 29550 58112 56928 03910 05267 50019 25205 07082 59642 06360 02394 56660 07913 59642 52951 53718 05706 08025 01180 59965 28995 97918 23263 97943 54144 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 02 0730 NR: 90201 GR: 136 35713 72224 76659 97042 39109 78875 78071 03073 74173 08340 81119 85571 57069 04058 33269 34231 76968 75623 32477 09302 78875 74731 01330 03073 32897 78867 78875 74675 74355 32477 31123 72609 32106 39563 39435 36880 32227 73025 78867 31123 39899 78875 06113 15186 15359 81194 36880 72427 03073 13056 84803 79619 08377 76298 77734 37189 08377 78875 75992 15382 06095 30217 08377 37694 30617 73098 71418 08340 35995 76659 05055 75104 34859 03721 31350 36647 08340 38621 78875 70920 30357 03073 73970 73143 76500 76298 76431 07270 31290 78875 76458 05055 75851 31072 00064 31647 79170 77282 35957 76431 72224 39109 78875 76431 00295 30097 33290 72792 78875 03823 70557 30217 08377 32477 36688 38310 36880 13056 84803 72920 76298 33290 76035 78875 78491 01331 03198 04184 52730 37694 71022 08340 03721 30617 71418 08340 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 02 1105 NR: 90202 GR: 139 62877 61920 87455 00278 61922 68678 73689 75054 61487 76541 89247 78612 86016 71028 83322 63448 40423 40801 24415 89577 88592 68794 24601 03788 20653 82751 84457 62877 61684 87157 61689 76541 82995 61186 68678 76945 62877 61076 87455 61070 68678 76304 61005 87946 61003 76541 84916 74721 62877 61948 84498 61947 87157 61946 76541 70506 78796 86165 89997 74479 72270 63609 23648 83226 75478 62856 63498 47423 84916 84626 03162 01213 25878 89577 70873 89577 73132 70398 61005 72270 75784 64886 83226 89217 70425 79995 78690 85023 79995 79361 80459 76541 89997 70425 86482 85023 40890 07423 65695 40415 81211 68678 70736 79597 68678 89247 78612 75054 62877 86016 71028 83322 63423 65415 84626 89577 88592 68794 27065 47066 79247 82751 76304 62877 61007 87946 61006 83226 70818 75054 61102 76541 76945 62877 61074 87946 61071 83226 74721 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 03 0800 NR: 90301 GR: 110 64781 62920 71466 38528 47987 68914 43311 73013 72082 40794 41628 40026 78746 41552 78841 67390 78997 69484 62920 71466 78897 78899 78891 67502 71466 78960 78968 60618 78519 63745 62920 78046 43117 10798 93644 19723 68308 71466 45106 64781 47987 68914 43311 73004 12453 95123 45320 41628 40026 71466 78740 78745 41552 78847 67502 78969 67390 71466 78998 78992 78993 63745 62920 78066 60618 71466 78506 78509 78501 67208 62064 71427 75087 98152 10704 09476 66986 63831 69354 78282 61169 62640 70449 74764 45186 69012 64759 40054 65378 49025 74764 69637 65256 74764 45556 69012 47041 42913 73004 09013 72752 09082 48188 43117 16972 06977 65106 68308 71466 45106 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 03 0910 NR: 90302 GR: 140 37694 37851 38182 97042 73098 70920 72224 70508 08377 36688 76659 75051 08377 75986 06571 57757 52854 01353 73692 32227 76458 32477 05055 75104 35895 03073 74173 08340 84525 17778 58186 88051 56824 77597 76968 75623 09699 78875 72224 74731 01335 32477 36880 32106 37747 32164 73025 31123 72609 37080 03073 32227 32477 37747 32164 30138 31123 06113 15186 04024 15194 39899 70419 32227 33290 38126 00857 33290 05055 75104 37747 32164 78147 00265 31290 36291 00322 72224 03855 76298 05055 75104 77165 79125 79948 37747 31314 35652 08340 78264 33290 36815 37886 31290 32080 37766 76431 72598 75104 35895 39326 32477 76458 77753 00753 36688 30111 70419 76659 72598 75104 72183 36341 36647 08340 31290 76458 75623 78875 76982 08377 37766 76659 35895 36688 37474 03721 76431 36647 08340 05055 75851 70920 37372 08377 36688 76458 37666 70419 03374 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 03 1145 NR: 90303 GR: 90 79947 17424 74816 27033 79903 12733 79947 76912 36847 12733 15133 73900 15131 79947 32236 79451 38079 34565 72315 70628 11364 33666 75213 73491 78709 76303 12701 74033 17964 34293 78822 38865 71057 32236 96746 63928 10140 96950 31095 30937 12701 18947 93928 79121 68512 65258 20737 70479 38582 74033 36847 15032 32236 30379 19776 31095 74918 36920 37146 70628 34815 34440 76904 17137 74443 36920 71972 70628 18997 96928 10140 96950 75255 78221 34043 78221 78822 71999 79947 76658 34927 79903 15137 74033 11380 70048 73622 76318 35895 12701 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 04 0730 NR: 90401 GR: 177 65552 45186 44587 38528 66039 74674 61280 63240 66858 68738 61169 63398 60507 76472 71466 42913 62889 48214 43765 74650 65451 74650 76011 61169 41428 41606 61169 63329 61349 74650 40587 43993 76963 63291 62814 40054 65685 64781 43311 66858 69601 74764 63240 60534 43099 40076 42670 14513 94903 94005 40076 42253 60780 69073 66515 63055 64143 45266 43311 63398 67931 42913 42782 64781 40453 74650 40587 63291 49949 63581 63291 69885 76472 71466 77732 46408 66515 47306 64038 71427 47786 60233 71427 40054 63240 69854 60495 65875 43117 62064 71427 10008 19960 96738 72791 44538 69463 63831 69354 65552 78411 61169 40587 62640 70441 74764 45186 61136 61169 40587 62369 62499 40054 65378 45073 60338 62249 71466 67208 45556 64759 65552 61136 40054 48188 61169 73004 12453 95123 45320 74764 44251 74650 44587 69854 60495 47795 68411 71427 65552 74782 43311 63291 68982 67857 62606 67777 76746 63398 79799 69190 47674 46382 74650 47306 64038 71427 69885 76472 71466 69297 45266 66726 63504 63240 48078 61169 65552 74491 77589 74764 62606 67869 43657 49673 41197 64781 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 04 1015 NR: 90402 GR: 67 36554 14197 96955 27033 17914 74033 74443 38865 19773 79947 19771 70628 73503 19776 32236 30379 30377 76563 79068 39472 17150 31095 30937 12701 68300 20216 17490 34440 62928 79913 64704 17490 70479 38582 36847 15377 32236 30379 19772 31095 74918 30923 37146 73329 78221 34440 36381 34043 17137 74443 36920 71972 70628 37634 79451 38317 32283 70628 18997 96928 10140 96950 75255 78221 37620 12733 32236 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 04 1330 NR: 90403 GR: 126 73098 31350 75183 97042 08340 03721 35664 35995 74731 01371 38749 84165 13551 53052 31107 88824 57573 76893 03073 58190 54048 72224 31107 13115 84973 36880 51973 84049 33269 31107 58060 54363 36880 81059 56733 85046 31107 81058 52904 70419 13056 84803 31107 37342 36880 53049 59768 13048 31107 84896 56803 03073 87504 17500 72817 31107 15336 87501 36880 32477 87084 39755 31107 80194 53504 31290 70419 17775 53502 54849 31107 86087 59840 06046 03073 80046 53064 31107 87014 56065 15052 36880 74173 08340 32477 81119 85571 57069 04058 33269 77597 76968 75623 09213 78875 74731 01338 36880 32106 78867 78875 74675 74355 34586 72609 32897 74453 31290 74435 08377 36880 32227 73025 72224 78867 31123 06113 15186 15359 81194 39899 70419 75760 72427 03073 32817 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 04 1410 NR: 90404 GR: 111 84022 08958 25940 10036 01144 81641 83653 06848 04235 04773 85504 85505 06632 85802 28196 85992 85998 29050 23936 84022 85598 85599 28763 84022 85925 85927 26245 85740 85742 80820 46895 91200 49831 25165 84022 07462 20854 08958 25940 01144 81660 43071 97431 07136 04235 06632 84022 85806 85807 04773 85508 28763 85928 85929 85924 28196 84022 85995 85997 85993 85991 21807 23936 85622 26245 84022 85762 85764 28365 23620 84038 87658 95473 46860 69082 29021 21514 29170 85009 24429 23206 86004 80820 07681 29643 20879 06670 27185 09637 80820 29218 27372 80820 07772 29643 08604 03941 69079 92641 83873 69653 05455 01448 42983 62988 27462 25165 84022 07462 20854 23936 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 05 0840 NR: 90501 GR: 105 30379 19779 31095 27033 74033 74253 36920 37146 79947 34815 76904 17137 74443 36920 71972 70628 96746 63928 96765 29950 75255 78221 34043 17137 71153 32236 33133 79947 38062 16166 36269 36988 70048 76318 74033 30897 37152 79472 74041 17137 39753 12733 32236 38079 72705 70481 78822 96746 63928 96765 29950 70048 76318 34436 75213 32236 11263 71486 75213 11210 73491 37907 17058 70911 76563 31541 39696 78221 34440 78459 78709 36833 76318 77051 17349 30714 73095 37341 71153 17349 11114 17789 32407 37347 75477 34293 32494 13076 32510 30076 12733 78221 30937 12701 18947 93928 79167 68512 65258 20737 70479 38582 36847 15279 32236 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 05 1030 NR: 90502 GR: 156 09957 34586 09955 97042 31123 09958 36880 70214 08377 09579 37144 09572 03073 71789 08377 09287 31123 09280 32477 37947 09285 36880 76032 74541 09137 03073 32817 73098 30590 79583 36688 06113 15186 15359 81194 33428 03721 81059 56733 85046 38749 32917 08377 09437 37210 09430 31290 70419 38224 08377 09937 37144 09930 36880 31147 09032 03073 70214 08377 09575 37210 09578 36880 70651 08377 09559 34586 32477 09552 37144 09554 70419 71789 09213 03073 75450 73720 30904 32227 72224 71172 78875 06052 86013 36880 74173 08340 31290 06123 17186 31053 56908 59896 84373 75376 76968 75623 09554 72224 78875 74731 01331 03073 32106 75184 73025 34586 72609 35142 70419 32227 75184 30138 34586 32477 06113 15186 04024 15194 39899 36880 75760 72427 03073 32817 73098 74541 08377 30590 79583 36688 06186 04194 31080 33428 03721 87504 17500 72817 38749 31147 09037 36880 38224 08377 09938 37144 09939 03073 70651 09550 70419 31290 75393 74541 08377 END-OF-MESSAGE TO: PZILMINFOR DE: ZURBIANEMB DT: SEP 05 1145 NR: 90503 GR: 271 62221 61969 70485 40688 70027 76816 57761 72639 64283 57761 70285 64441 61131 74433 57885 74335 74280 78451 78356 64498 56863 63336 63369 74994 76205 57793 71062 67017 55541 67583 57620 55303 57980 55396 72166 56325 57620 74994 68696 72867 77285 79441 63369 71398 70027 76011 57761 76481 78137 55541 67583 57620 74994 56325 55396 72166 67625 74433 62541 57567 70801 53766 63369 64170 65002 53766 63369 64193 71062 74280 55541 74357 72867 68208 57620 79896 64170 70795 69037 68981 52083 91306 39714 77248 56576 74625 79654 61677 57620 55124 79896 70194 60273 65108 60549 71564 75256 75586 61258 75586 60840 55396 70801 53766 63369 74826 68000 73363 55396 52083 91306 39714 77248 76481 62221 57620 75406 61561 56964 74335 61067 53715 95008 66725 93514 51549 31637 66986 64843 69427 58691 63369 72166 61670 50770 57567 72386 63346 63369 61469 61799 71934 62458 72054 60354 67529 74335 72226 62221 67529 63346 71934 09729 96034 09798 30081 78388 65108 69645 62126 57567 57581 74280 65839 55396 61971 65002 53766 63369 64498 59599 69051 57115 63296 74433 64193 96084 06081 09798 30081 76444 57567 77123 57620 64498 65002 53766 71934 55303 67017 75440 67583 70285 74416 67583 66232 62221 71106 78704 57620 70285 78289 67583 77405 53766 64022 79889 64170 67809 70485 66117 70485 61969 70485 57620 64535 63296 65108 64498 66697 55697 63369 75000 70027 61889 50757 65002 53766 63369 64193 63296 55692 75606 53715 74433 77285 68013 75985 77285 65329 74433 64498 56652 63369 09729 96034 09798 30081 76816 72166 65002 53766 63369 64170 71062 74280 65839 55396 64955 57793 65336 75406 78704 57620 67714 79889 64193 67809 70485 66117 70485 END-OF-MESSAGE