A note about these notes: they are simply a nice little summary of some of
the basic functions of LISP. Wilensky does a real good job of
covering the fundamentals so please make sure you read the book a few times
before attempting the problem sets. You'll thank yourself later.
Local Variables
(let ((var value)*) expression)
Each symbol var names a variable to be created with the given
values. Expression is then evaluated left-to-right. The variables
and their values are lost once the let closes.
(let* ((var value)*) expression)
Same as above except var's are created one at a time so each value can
refer to any previous var.
(setf var value)
Assigns a new value to the innermost local variable named var.
(let ((x 1) (y 2)) ;; scope: x=1 y=2
(let ((x (+ x 10)) (y (+ x 20))) ;; scope: x=10 y=21
(let* ((x (+x 100)) (y (+ x 200))) ;; scope x=111 y=311
(setf x 55) ;; x=55
) ;; close let*, scope now: x=10 y=21
) ;; close nested let, scope now: x=1 y=2
);; now x and y are out of scope completely
Global Variables
(defvar var value)
Declares the symbol var to be a special symbol and sets the
global variable it names to the value. Common to denote globals with
a + or * on either side of the var name. Example:
+count+ or *history-list*.
(setf var value)
same as before in local case. Just be careful when using setf on
globals while programming.
(defun function-name (var* &rest) expression*)
Defines a global function named by the symbol function-name.
(funcall function arg*)
Returns the result of applying function to arguments arg*). Make sure
the number of your arguments matches the number required by function.
(apply function list)
Basically the same as above except the arguments are in a list.
>(funcall #'+ 1 4 5)
> (apply #'+ '(1 4 5)
(mapcar function list*)
Returns a list whose k'th element is the result of applying
function to arguments which are the k'th elements of the lists.
>(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x 10)) '(1 2 3))
(11 12 13)
> (mapcar #'list '(a b c) '(1 2 3 4))
((A 1) (B 2) (C 3))
(notice it doesn't do 4 since lists aren't the same length)
(atom value)
Returns T if value value is an atom.
(consp value)
if value is a cons cell, NIL if it isn't.
(listp value)
if value is a list, NIL if it isn't
(null value)
if value is NIL
(not value)
if value is false (NIL)
(equal val1 val2)
Returns T if the two arg's look the same when printed (surface
(eql val1 val2)
Returns T if the two arg's are the same symbol, the same cons cell,
or numbers with both the same type and same value.
(eq val1 val2)
Returns T if the two arg's are the same symbol or the same cons
(member object list)
Checks if object is eql to an element of list. If T, returns all of
list after and including object.
> (eql (cons 'a NIL) (cons 'a NIL))
> (equal '(a b c d) (list 'a '(b c d))
>(eql '(a b c d) (list 'a '(b c d))
(cond (test expression*)*)
Evaluates tests in order until it finds one that returns T, then it
evaluates the respective expression. If there is no expr then it
returns the test. Does NOT evaluate any test after the first
that returns T. If none return T, then cond returns NIL.
((null x) T)
((list x) (first x))
((member x special-list))
(t (push x special-list)))
(if (test then-expression else-expression)
Evaluates test first, if T, then does then part, else it's NIL or
false so do else part. If else is omitted, default is NIL. Note,
only one expression can be used for then or else.
(if (oddp number)
(format t "number ~A is odd~%" number)
(format t "it's even~%"))
(when(test then-expression*)
Evaluates test first, if T, then does then part, else it's NIL or
false so do else part. Note no else. Also then is as long as you
(when (oddp number)
(format t "number ~A is odd~%" number)
(incf +odd-count+))
* how can you make an if as powerful as a when (in that multiple
expr's can be found)?
Use block or progn or let:
(if (oddp number)
(format t "number ~A is odd~%" number)
(incf +odd-count+))
(format t "it's odd~%"))
Case - when you want to compare a value against a series of constants.
Just like in C. An example:
(defun month-length (mon)
(case mon
((jan mar may jul aug oct dec) 31)
((apr jun sept nov) 30)
((feb (if (leap-year) 29 28))
(otherwise "unknown month")))
(do ((var initial update)*)
(end-condition result*)
initially (1) evaluates the initial value expr's,
(2) creates a new variable for each symbol var and assigns the associated
initializer, (3) evaluates the end-condition, if T, then evaluates
all result expressions returning the last one. If end-condition is false,
(4) then expressions are evaluated in order, then next (5) the updates are
evaluated in order and are (6) assigned to the var's and we continue with
(3) above.
(defun show-squares (start end)
(do ((n start (+ n 1)))
((> n end) 'done)
(format t "~A ~A~%" n ((*n n))))
Do can be confusing at first. There are some alternatives but I’d
rather see a do-loop over these (ie. Tagbody, prog) which act as
do-while loops. Here's an example of how they look:
(defun show-squares (start end)
(let ((n start))
(prog ()
(if (> n end) 'done)
(format t "~A ~A~%" n (* n n)) (incf n))))))
Some nicer iterators:
(dolist (var initial return) expressions)
Used to iterate over the elements of a list (initial is a list).
(dotimes (var initial return) expressions)
Initial here is a number, where var ranges from 0 to initial.
In both cases return is what is returned from the iterators. It defaults
to NIL.
In mathematics, recursion is the primary means of giving a finite definition
for the value of a function when the arguments to that function can be
arbitrarily large. It is also the primary means of defining such functions in
An example: factorial where factorial(n) returns the product of the first n
integers. Factorial can be defined recursively as:
factorial(n) = {1 if n = 0
n * factorial(n-1) if n > 0}
Example of this definition:
factorial(3) = 3 * factorial(2)
3 * (2 * factorial(1))
3 * (2 * (1 * factorial(0)))
3 * (2 * (1 * 1))
3 * (2 * 1)
3 * 2
(defun factorial(n)
(cond ((=n 0) 1)
(t (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
Another way to think about recursion (from Graham, p.17):
A better metaphor for a function would be to think of it as a process one goes
through. Recursion is natural in a process. A real-world example: say you
want to write a report on Machiavelli but don’t anything about him.
(1) Get a copy of a relevant document
(2) Look for information about Machiavelli
(3) If the document cites other documents, look at those.
Now let's do a recursive version of show-squares. Note this can be made
more elegant.
(defun show-squares (start end)
((> start end))
(t (format t "~A ~A~%" start (* start start))
(show-squares (1+ start) end)))))
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