Weiss Ch. 10.1.
Greedy algorithms "do the best thing" on the basis of local information, not search. e.g. Gradient ascent (mtn climbing in fog). Sometimes they work and sometimes not. Always works (finds "global maximum (or minimum)") on unimodal functions. Can get stuck in "local maxima (minima)" or "local optima". Hence lots of books, papers, careers in search: genetic algorithms , simulated annealing, etc. etc. (AI).
How schedule N jobs (no preemptive dynamic rescheduling) of various
lengths so as to optimize the "happiness function"
Pretty obvious: shortest job first etc. (else just switch
order!). Here's a pessimal-looking order followed by the optimal one:
Multiprocessor version: round robin version of that.
Minimizing final completion time on N processors (e.g. all quittin at
once is good!). Reducible (equivalent given polynomial work) to knapsack,
bin-packing so is NP-complete. Sorry.
Moral: greedy methods can often get you at least up into the foothills, close to the global optimum, decreasing your optimization time using more sophisticated methods.
Bin Packing: N items of size ∈ (0,1]. Pack into fewest number of bins, each with unit capacity. On-line -- deal with items as they appear. Off-line -- get all items first, think, then deal. In any case, bin-packing is NP Complete, hence the "Approximate" in section title.
Weiss does cute proofs and finds properties of several
On line algorithms.
First, can prove more or less easily (p. 440) some inputs make any
algorithm use 4/3 of optimal bins. Some methods:
Next fit: if next item fits in latest bin
do it else start new bin.
First fit: Scan bins in order, put new item in first bin big enough.
Best fit: item goes in
tightest fitting existing bin.
Off line algorithms. Pick large items first, giving Best fit decreasing, First fit decreasing. But there are annoying sets of bin sizes that defeat these (or any) strategy. Weiss shows some of these nasty answers to proposed algorithms, along with proofs of how well algorithms can perform with respect to the optimal solution. Some fairly hairy-looking proofs of how close to optimal one can get.
Morse Code: why does . mean E and - mean T while C is -.-. and Q is --.-?
Answer: Shannon coding theorem, information theory, coding theory: texts, papers, courses, majors, scholarship, IMMENSE technological progress and coolness. DHL? WTF? I remember 300-baud (NOT a misprint) modems! Don't forget turbo-codes.
Of course: send common symbols quickly (si, no, eat, tax, die) and less common ones not-so-quickly Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
Now if you use fewer bits to represent common strings you could say you'd compressed a file of text -- schemes like zip, gzip, etc. are on-line algorithms that are very clever and work differently. Take WinZip, for instance: it compresses DOC(X) and XLS(X) by about 88%, .JPEG by 16%, and .MP3 by 1%.
Huffman coding seems to promise 25 -- 60%.
Represent letters (say) by bit strings, no spaces. Make sure the string is unambiguous, can be *decoded* on-line. Morse code's not, needs spaces: . . is ee, .. is i. Note we're not saying the text can be *encoded* on-line. Huffman codeing gathers a text's statistics, THEN creates a code tailored to it.
For on-line decoding, can have all chars use same number of bits, as
It's useful to put our codes into trees, e.g.
The above tree has edges labeled 0 (left) and 1 (right), and data only at the leaves. This data structure is a trie and is used e.g. in compilers for storing variables under their names (branching factor > 26). Let's say the cost of a character in this particular text is its frequency f times its depth d (this is the number of edge-follows we'll need to decode it every time it appears. Then the total cost of the text under that code is ∑ (fi di).
Notice by inspection that the "nl" character can just be moved up to the node above it: it becomes a 2-bit character and the text becomes cheaper to code. But does that still work?
Yes! With chars only at the leaves, it's a full tree: all nodes are leaves or have two children. No code (edge labels on path to root) is a subset of any other, so always right to take the first leaf you find: no more below! Resulting code is a prefix code.
We want a full binary tree of minimum total cost where all characters
are in the leaves. For this example that's
as explicated here:
Code won't be unique (for one thing, swap any children in the tree!).
Huffman's Algorithm:
For C characters: maintain a forest of trees. A tree's weight is the
sum of the frequencies of its leaves.
Repeat C-1 times: select two trees R and S of smallest weight (break ties however) make new tree R with subtrees R and S. (dass it...simple, eh?)
That process transforms a forest of C single-node trees into a single Huffman-code tree.
Starting with our 7 character nodes a, e, i, ...
with frequencies 10, 15, 12,..., we get this after four merges:
and this at the end:
We (and Weiss) won't prove Huffman code is optimal. I found Weiss and a couple of other proofs a little puzzling, seeming to start off assuming optimality. But Weiss's steps are quite like several proofs out there, and the use of induction seems very natural. This proof uses no induction, but detailed reasoning about weights: it seems a little Euro to me. Its plan:
Proving optimality of Huffman codes seems to have attracted attempts at automation.
Obvious idea is maintain trees in priority queue by weight, so get O(C logC): a build_heap, 2C-2 deleteMins, C-2 inserts. p-queue never has > C entries.
Note that it's greedy only after the first pass thru text to get the frequencies. See exercises.