Weiss Ch. 8
You're too young to have lived through "New Math", though you may know Tom Lehrer's Song. Sets are an important practical and mathematical concept and operations like union, intersection, difference come into all sorts of practical applications like Constructive Solid Geometry expression trees for graphics, database boolean queries, image analysis, graph theory, compilers with types, etc.
See our PPT for a nice visual set union algorithm for discovering connected regions in an image with a "scan-line" algorithm, after which we can tell which disjoint region (set) an individual picture element (pixel) is in.
There is a very simple (to program) but hard (to analyze) representation for sets to support the union-find functionality.
Our sets are collections of elements from some domain (integers, employee records,..) defined by an equivalence relation that states which elements in the domain are "the same".
Notoriously, "a relation is a set of ordered pairs." You probably thought a relation was something like "before", "father-of", or "greater than".
A relation R (like "greater") is defined on a set S if for every pair of elements (x,y) in S the relation is either true or false. If it's true, then we say "x is related to y", so we can map the formal definition and the intuition onto each other. So the ordered pairs (x,y) for which xRy is true (say "x happens before y") defines the (ordered pairs in the) (say "before") relation.
An equivalence relation R satisfies
E.g. > isn't an equivalence reln: not reflexive or symmetric. ≥ is not symmetric. If love had any of the three properties there'd be a lot less literature. For triangles, similarity is an eq. reln; for people, "have same name day" is; for numbers "congruent mod n" and "equal to" are.
How decide if aRb for some equivalence relation
R in the (usual) absence of the "set of
ordered pairs" that abstractly define the relation? Suppose we have a
four element set {a,b,c,d} and we know aRc, cRb, dRa, bRd?
So is aRd? (quickly, now!).
Given an equivalence relation on S, the equivalence class of an element is the subset of all elements equivalent to it. These classes "partition" S (they are disjoint, since if any element were shared between sets transitivity would make the sets the same.)
Given this situation, the find operation finds the name of the equivalence class (set) of an element. The union operation "adds relations", or evaluates to the (set-theoretic) union of the sets if they are not identical already (takes two finds to check this). Union destroys its original arguments and maintains mutual disjointness. Hence the "disjoint set union/find algorithm".
Our sets change as we do operations, so the algorithm is dynamic. It is 'online': in a series of unions and finds, the result of each are returned before the next is calculated. You can imagine a batch or off-line algorithm that takes a series of unions and finds and spits out answers having seen the whole series. Even a parallel algorithm...?
We don't care about what the elements are "like" (e.g. their values). They can be represented integers 0...N-1 resulting maybe from a hash calculation. Likewise we care not about the "name" of a set: we just need find(a) = find(b) if aRb.
Dang! Can do union or find in constant worst-case time, but not both. We're going to be interested in the running time of a sequence of union and find operations: the length of that sequence is the length of our "input."
Keep the name of its equivalence class in an array indexed by element. O(1).
But union involves scanning N-long arrays and maybe creating an O(N) one. So Θ(N), or to do the maximum possible number of unions (N-1), Θ(N2), which is too slow if the application has fewer than N2 finds.
If equivalence classes are linked lists, they can be unioned in O(1) time but it is still possible to have to do N2 name updates over the course of many unions.
Keeping size of equivalence classes and in a union changing name of smaller to the larger gives O(NlogN) time for N-1 unions (each elt can have its eq. class changed only logN times). So M finds, N-1 unions means O(M+NlogN) time with this latest implementation.
We show a union/find algorithm with M finds and N -1 unions in slightly more than O(N+M) time.
Sets will be trees and one's name is the name of its root. The domain
a "forest" of trees, and we imagine each set initially to be a
singleton. We only need links to parents. Here we start with 8
elements and union (4,5), (6,7), and (4,6) in that order.
A simple array representation has an array s whose indices are set
elements i, with s[i] = -1 if i is a root, else s[i] = parent of i.
Class definition, initialization, union and find are all trivial to write (ignoring efficiency). Average-case complexity depends on the definition of 'average', and three different models of that lead to Θ(M), Θ(MlogN), and Θ(MN) for M finds, (N-1) Unions.
As usual, we're looking for shallow trees.
Union by size always makes the smaller tree a subtree of the
So union-by-size(3,4) puts the small 3 under the large 4 tree in the
last forest:
But union(3,4) performed (arg2 under arg1) as before yields the deeper
Union by size yields trees of depth ≤ logN. Proof: every node starts at depth 0, and its depth increases only by a union producing a tree at least twice as large as before, which can be done only logN times. Corollary: M finds take O(MlogN).
The worst depth is produced if all unions are between equal size
and are the binomial trees used in the binomial queues we
totally ignored when we studied heaps. Ya never know, eh?
Implementation trick: computing the size of a tree is a horrible thought, since the pointers go the wrong way. So instead, let the contents of a root node be -treesize, and update it while unioning. Then M unions can be done in O(M) average time for most models of 'average'.
In union by height keep track of heights and union by making
a shallow tree the subtree of a deeper tree. Trivial mod.
So far, have linear average time but fairly easy to realize the worst-case O(MlogN) time (enqueue the sets, then dequeue 2 and enqueue their union). Hard to improve union algorithm, since ties broken arbitrarily, so need a faster find.
Path compression is a cute operation done during a find and
does not depend on the union algorithm. In path compression, every
node found on the path from node x to the root is simply made to point to the
root directly. On a find(14) the worst-case tree for 16 unions becomes
Again, a simple implementation compatible with union-by-size, but not exactly with union-by-height, since it changes the heights. Fix is to ignore that minor detail and re-interpret the (old) heights as "rank", so we get union-by-rank, which is just as efficient.
Path compression does significantly reduce worst-case running time.
Slowly-growing functions:
Recall or invent the recurrence for the time of binary search:
T(N) = 0, n ≤ 1 = T( ⌊ f(N) ⌋ ) +1, n > 1
For binary search, f(N) = N/2. Here T(N) is the number of times starting at N that we must iteratively apply f(N) until we reach 1 (or less). f(N) is a nicely-defined function that reduces N. Call the solution to this equation f*(N).
Now in binary search, f = N/2: we halve N at every search step. As we know, we can do this log(N) times before getting to 1, so f*(N) here is logN (much less than N).
Here is a table for f*(N) for various f(N). For disjoint set algorithm analysis we're interested in f(N) = logN, and the solution's name is log*(N), which we will see in several algorithm analysis solutions (this lecture and later life).
log*(N) is just the number of times you have to re-apply log(N) to get
down to 1. So
log*(2) = 1, log*(4) = 2, log*(16) = 3 (now growing
slower than log),
log*(65536) = 4, and log*(2^65536) = 5.
So for
the real world, log*(N) <5 . As you see, log**(N) is the
number of times you have to apply log*(N), etc, so these log****(N)
functions grow very slowly.
If we do union-find with union by rank and path compression,
Theorem: If M operations, either Union or Find, are applied to N elements, the total run time is O(M log* N).
There is a rather straightforward Proof in Wikipedia that makes Weiss's treatment (Weiss 8.6.2, .3, .4) look a bit overwrought.
People also prove the average expected time is linear in M+N, under various assumptions, such as that each tree in the representation is equally likely to participate in the next union operation. Google 'time complexity union find'.
For fun: a fast-growing function. Its inverse is slowly-growing and appears in some proofs of union-find complexity.
It was invented by Wihelm Ackermann, a student of Hilbert who was looking for recursive (Turing-computable) functions that are not primitive recursive (like exponentiation, super-exponentiation, or factorial). There are lots of "Ackermann" functions, one of the most familiar being the Ackermann-Pe'ter function. defined for nonnegative integers m and n:
A(m,n) = n+1, m = 0; = A(m-1,1), m > 0 and n = 0 = A(m-1, A(m, n-1)), m > 0 and n > 0.
A(4,2) is an integer of 19,729 decimal digits.
That's A(4,2) = 2^2^2^2^2 -3,
A(4,4) = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2 -3,
A(4,n) = [n+3 2's] -3
There are larger numbers, too. Check out Wikipedia, which has some nice "traces" of evaluation that show how the function grows so quickly.
Yes, well... the analysis is too much for us now, PURELY for time reasons. It goes on, it uses fairly complex reasoning, and it winds up using log*(N).
You may want to remember from this one topic:
Weiss 8.7
This might be useful in your future. Nice application using connectivity as the equivalence relation. Start with totally walled up bunch of cells, knock down walls to outside for entrance and exit cells: then pick a wall at random and remove it if the cells it separates are not already connected. After that removing more walls increases connectivity and confusion.
Timing analysis: union-find dominates time, and number of finds is number of cells (remove one wall per cell: there are N-1 removed walls for N cells), and about twice as many walls as cells to start. Somewhere between 2N and 4N finds per run, and so if we do union/find operation in O(Nlog*N), it's quick.