
Version 3 (modified by jpawlick, 14 years ago) (diff)


This ProtocolZero command tells the agent to shove the object directly in front of it. The object that is shoved is called the "target". It is selected by effectively shooting a mode-7 rangefinder in the direction of the quagent's current facing, so if the quagent is looking down it will usually immediately hit the floor and report "invalid_target". On the other hand, if the quagent is looking at a level pitch, it will pick up any objects sitting on the floor that a mode-3 rangefinder would pass over.


  • 1: float strength, the power of the shove. 500 is usually more than sufficient for most tasks: 5000 is usually enough to catapult someone outside of the level. A shove of 400 will move an object as fast as a normal quagent can run (though unless the object is arched upward, friction will quickly stop it).
  • 2: float shove_yaw, the direction in degrees to shove the target relative to the quagent's facing. A yaw of 0 is straight ahead, a yaw of 90 is straight to the left. This does not change the target selection, merely the direction of the imparted motion.
  • 3: float shove_pitch, the direction in degrees to shove the target relative to the quagent's facing. A pitch of 0 is straight where the quagent is looking. Negative pitches are up, and positive pitches are down. To get a good shove it is wise to angle it slightly up from the ground, much like tossing a ball somewhat upward will result in a longer throw.


  • done after the shove is attempted. This does not guarantee that the shoved object will move, however: for example, shoving something directly into a wall or the floor does not guarantee motion (though most objects will bounce).
  • invalid_target if the object that would be selected as a target is not something that can be shoved (such as a wall or floor).
  • nothing_there if no target (valid or invalid) exists.
  • popped if popped by po.
  • forgotten if deleted by fa or fm.
  • replaced if replaced by a command scheduled with 'r'.


  • User sends: "n sv 512 500 0 -45"
  • Bot replies: "cp sv 512 done"
  • Object goes flying forward and up at velocity 500 during the game update phase.