
Version 2 (modified by jpawlick, 14 years ago) (diff)


This query asks the agent to tell you what the nearest object within a specific distance at a specific angle is. The rangefinder detects everything a normal shot in Quake would - so non-colliding entities (such as those "light beams" graphical effects) cannot be detected by this method. The rangefinder sensor originates at 30 units up from the quagent's origin.


  • 1 integer distance, the maximum distance of the rangefinder. There is no particular penalty to supplying very large distances that we can find - the maximum distance we've seen this call used with in Quake is 8120, the range of the rail gun.
  • 1 float theta, the number of degrees left of facing to shoot the rangefinder at.
  • 1 float phi, the number of degrees down from facing to shoot the rangefinder at.


  • X Y where X is the range at which the object was detected (the distance if nothing was found) and Y is either the entity id, -2 if the entity id is normally invalid (a wall or something), and -1 if nothing is in the distance.


  • done when the task completes.
  • popped if popped by po.
  • forgotten if deleted by fa.


  • User sends: "n rf 512 6000 90 45"
  • Bot replies "rs rf 512 65.2 -2"
  • Bot replies "cp rf 512 done"

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