
Version 1 (modified by jpawlick, 14 years ago) (diff)


This ProtocolZero command asks the agent to tell you the entityids? of every game object it can see within the provided range. It responds once for each entity, and completes after all responses are issued.


  • 1 float range. Only entities closer than this range are returned. If you provide a non-positive range, the command considers the range infinite.


  • X for each entity that can be seen, where X is that entity's entityid?. The set of seen entities does not include the quagent itself.


  • done when the task completes.
  • popped if popped by po.
  • forgotten if deleted by fa.


  • User sends: "n ra 512 800"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 2"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 144"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 145"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 146"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 147"
  • Bot replies "rs ra 512 148"
  • Bot replies "cp ra 512 done"

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