
Version 4 (modified by jpawlick, 14 years ago) (diff)


This command sends the agent walking in as straight a line as possible toward the destination point until it hits an obstacle it cannot pass (including walls or other entities) or it reaches the point, whichever is sooner. It will walk off cliffs and into slime or lava. It will also slide along oblique walls or (accidentally) use jump pads.


  • 1: integer obstacle flag: 1 if the agent should hop over low obstacles, 0 if it should report blocked when it encounters them.
  • 2: float speed, 1.0 = normal maximum bot movement speed (400 in game terms), 0 = stopped. -1 = reverse maximum speed. In the current version, values out of the [-1, 1] range are not supported.
  • 3: float X, the x-coordinate of the point to move to.
  • 4: float Y, the y-coordinate of the point to move to.


  • done if movement ends at the point.
  • blocked if the previous frame of attempted movement produced no effect.
  • popped if popped by po.
  • forgotten if deleted by fa or fm.
  • replaced if replaced by a command scheduled with 'r'.


  • User sends: "n mt 512 0 1 16 32"
  • Bot moves toward (16, 32) at full speed and then arrives.
  • Bot replies "cp mt 512 done"