Version 3 (modified by jpawlick, 14 years ago) (diff) |
This command sends the agent into a single jump. The command terminates only when the quagent has landed and is ready to jump again (Quake introduces a small delay after landing where the bot is forbidden from jumping again). The behavior ends on the NEXT landing, so if called while the bot is already jumping (or otherwise in the air), it will have no effect.
- 1: float theta, the heading in which the agent should jump relative to its current facing. 0 is straight ahead, 90 is jump left, etc. This will not cause the bot to turn.
- 2: float speed, 1.0 = normal maximum bot movement speed (400 in game terms), 0 = stopped. -1 = reverse maximum speed. In the current version, values out of the [-1, 1] range are not supported.
- done when landing is completed and the bot is allowed to jump again.
- popped if popped by po.
- forgotten if deleted by fa.
- User sends: "n ju 512 0 1"
- Bot jumps moves straight ahead and lands.
- Bot replies "cp ju 512 done"
Known Issues:
- Sometimes the bot will make a small dash in the direction of the jump after landing.