Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of ioquake3

Jun 24, 2011 12:14:44 PM (13 years ago)



  • ioquake3

    v7 v8  
    100100== The Director ==
    101101I should have all the framework we want in place for the GOD / Director functionality. Try connecting to Quagents on port 6002 and typing stuff. Currently, it'll just echo every command to stdout. I think pretty much anything we want a "configuration file" for, we should build through the director instead. Here's the points:
    102  * Assuming we implement all the commands, anything a config file can do, we could do by piping it in command form into the director with an easy script (that we could even configure to run on startup or something). Can't quite pipe into telnet, but not hard to write a small program that reads a file and fires it over the socket.
     102 * Assuming we implement all the commands, anything a config file can do, we could do by piping it in command form into the director with an easy script (that we could even configure to run on startup or something). Can't quite pipe into telnet, but not hard to write a small program that reads a file and fires it over the socket, or just use netcat.
     104cat initialcommands.txt | nc localhost 6002
    103106 * If we put more general options here, we can do things a config file can't, such as change the configuration on the fly. Sure, it's not a huge feature, but it might be nice to add more items to the world as it ran, or something like that.
    104107 * The major drawback is that it's not blindingly obvious how to buffer commands the user issues as soon as Quake starts up (say, before the map is loaded). Then again, I'd be surprised if people choose not to just start Quake using the +map option. At least, that's what everyone I know did in the previous Quagents. Actually, I take this back, maybe. We just have it wait on the "hasn't had a read call yet" bit.