Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of ioquake3

Jun 22, 2011 11:36:19 AM (13 years ago)



  • ioquake3

    v3 v4  
    2727==== Adding a Trap Function ====
    28 TODO: put text here.
     28Edit these files:
     30 * '''game/g_public.h''': add an element to the gameImport_t enum (order matters - try to maintain the values of all the other entries (just add at the bottom)).
     31 * '''game/g_local.h''': add trap function declarations (see bottom of file). These will be the function names inside the VM.
     32 * '''game/g_syscalls.asm''': add equ statements to the file reflecting the (negative) value of the enum entry you added. It should be off by one like all the others are.
     33 * '''game/g_syscalls.c''': add a patch function that calls syscall with the appropriate enum value and parameters, and returns what it returns unless the return is void.
     34 * '''qcommon/q_shared.h''': add trap function declarations (search "Quagents" and keep them together). These will be the function names outside the VM.
     35 * '''qcommon/common.c''': we've defined all our trap functions here, but you probably don't ''have'' to. Still, it's a convenient place to do it, so why don't we keep them together and define the function here.
     36 * '''server/sv_game.c''': edit SV_GameSystemCalls and add a case for your enum value to call your function with. If you're passing memory addresses out of the virtual machine, use VMA(x) to remap address in args[x] from VM-memory to Quake-memory. Keep in mind that there's no way to go the other way - you won't be able to see memory outside the VM from within it.
    3038== Quagents Behavior ==