39 | 39 | Going the other way is easier, however. You need to add a "trap function" that when called, actually drops out of the VM, reinterprets any memory pointers, and does whatever you need it to. Adding a trap function is a bit of a pain, especially if you're doing it to botlib (if so you'll have to change the function export structure: just grep -i "Stupidly" and you'll find all the changes I made for one of our botlib traps: trap_BotMoveStupidlyInDirection). Adding traps like we did for reading/writing sockets is much easier, though: just follow the step-by-step instructions below and copy the style of the existing entries there. Typically our edits are at the bottom of the files, but if you search "quagents" (case-insensitive) you'll turn then up quickly. |