Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of cs

Jun 10, 2011 10:52:04 AM (13 years ago)



  • cs

    v2 v3  
    1 This query asks the agent to tell you if it has line of "sight" to another entity (specified by the entityid you give it). For quagents, the id number returned after the [[ready]] command is the entityid, but other things (such as rockets, rail traces, powerups, etc) also have entityids. The line of sight ray is drawn from the bot's eye to 30 units above the origin of the target. Unlike the Eye of Sauron, its gaze only pierces cloud, shadow, and flesh (not earth). In other words, obstructing entities, water, slime, or lava do not block line of sight - only walls, floors, and things like that do. It does not bounce off mirrored surfaces or go through portals. Lack of light does not affect this operation.
    3 TODO: Add Y, Z to response, where Y is yaw offset to target, Z is pitch offset to target.
     1This query asks the agent to tell you if it has line of "sight" to another entity (specified by the entityid you give it). For quagents, the id number returned after the [[ready]] command is the entityid, but other things (such as rockets, rail traces, powerups, etc) also have entityids. The line of sight ray is drawn from 30 units above the origin of the bot to 30 units above the origin of the target. Unlike the Eye of Sauron, its gaze only pierces cloud, shadow, and flesh (not earth). In other words, obstructing entities, water, slime, or lava do not block line of sight - only walls, floors, and things like that do. It does not bounce off mirrored surfaces or go through portals. Lack of light does not affect this operation.
    97 * ''t X Y P'' if the target can be seen,
    108  * where X is the distance between the quagent's origin and the target's origin (not the distance between their bounding box edges),
    11   * where Y is the yaw from the quagent's current view angle to the target's origin (in degrees),
    12   * where P is the pitch from the quagent's current view angle to the target's origin (in degrees).
     9  * where Y is the yaw from the quagent's current view angle to the target's origin (in degrees). The ray is sourced from the quagent's origin.
     10  * where P is the pitch from the quagent's current view angle to the target's origin (in degrees). The ray is sourced from the quagent's origin, a quagent  with a level view looking at another quagent on on the same floor will get a P of zero.
    1311 * ''f 0 0 0'' if the target cannot be seen.