Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ServerProgrammingTodo

Aug 26, 2011 4:28:48 PM (14 years ago)



  • ServerProgrammingTodo

    v1 v1  
     1Regrettably, I was unable to complete the following goals before the summer ended.
     3'''High Priority'''
     4 * add a way to specify alternative server ports if 6000-6002 are blocked.
     5 * build a set of commands for the director mode that gives caps on certain parameters (like shove magnitude, rangefinder distance, etc), or maybe introduces noise.
     6 * make sure when a quagent dies and respawns it always gets the same entityid (try interleaving deaths?, or having another client join while an entity is respawning) <- seems fairly consistent, but "Prove it, and I still won't believe it" as Lane says. <-what's the entityid of the corpse?
     7 * We want players to be able to do the same thing bots can do.
     8   * Add "shove" capabilities to the player.
     9   * Add inventory management to the player so he can pick up / put down quagents treasure/gold.
     12'''Low Priority'''
     13  * add damage taken events to event socket, maybe "picked up armor" and stuff as well.
     14  * make quagents spawn with 100 max health by default. <- perhaps best to do by editing all botfiles, so that we're not hardcoding anything.
     15  * what is now the quagents config file now ought to be a set of director commands.
     16     * remove config file stuff.
     17     * add new director commands.
     18  * still want to implement some kind of collaborative shove
     19  * add custom models for Quagents items - gold, treasure, glitter, etc.
     20  * Retool one of the guns to be a repulsor beam (pushes things it hits, does no damage), or better yet make a new gun.
     21  * Retool one of the guns to be a tractor beam (pulls things it hits, does no damage), or better yet make a new gun.
     22  * Sensing of water/lava and stuff is a little different than sensing solid surfaces - we'd like a better way than doing two [[rf]]s for ANY and SOLID.