Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Scenarios

Jul 14, 2011 4:10:06 PM (14 years ago)



  • Scenarios

    v1 v2  
    1 == Scenarios ==
     1= Scenarios =
    22This page contains details about scenarios for the system that we have come up with.
    1212* Create random maps.
    1313* Client AI.
     15'''Capture the Flag'''
     16We have implemented a Capture the Flag (CTF) scenario into Quake. The goal of this scenario is to produce data on how players act in throughout the course of the game. Currently, the scenario produces tuples of location data, timestamps, and audio tags. This data will be used for further experiments, such as using machine learning to create a general model for Capture the Flag. The scenario could also be extended by replacing human players with collaborative agents.
     18There are currently two implementations of the CTF scenario implemented in Quagents - one clientside and one serverside:
     19* The clientside scenario is implemented using only the Quagents3 Java API. In it, the player controls a Quagent using Java swing listeners. A simple GUI is provided, which provides experiment control. Additionally, audio recording is automatically handled within the client code, so the user need only attach a microphone. For a more detailed description, see [[Quagents Capture the Flag]].
     20* The serverside scenario is implemented from within the Quake VM. Enabled using [[Quagents Configuration Options]], it automatically records all player's data (as described above) and uses a trap function to write the data to a logfile within the [[ioquake]] private filesystem. The user must, however, start up an external voice recorder to record audio tags. The Quagents team has provided one of these for general use, located in quagents/client/auxquagents.
     22It is important to note that this scenario is distinct from the native Quake 3 Capture the Flag mode. The goal of the scenario is to produce usable data for further research, not to "win" the game and get the highest score.