Version 4 (modified by jherwitz, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Quagents Configuration Options
Server Configuration
The server configuration file allows access to flags and scenario parameters within the ioquake3 engine. It is automatically modified by the top level Quagents Main Application? before every scenario, and loaded into the game engine at the start of every new game. It should be located at ~/.quagents3/quagenta3/quagents-config.cfg. Options are as follows:
LOC_FLAG <1/0>
The Quagents location flag. This flag automatically writes location every num_frames_per_log to quagents3_locdata_filename. This option is used for Quagents Capture the Flag? but users may also have a use for location logging in other scenarios.
The number of frames per location log. For one player, 1 frame = 50ms, so a log every 1 second would be 20 frames per log. Note that this rate changes for every additional client connected to the server. This method of log control may be altered in future versions of Quagents.
The log file to be written to. Note that the file will be located relative to the home directory of ~/.quagents3/quagents3/<FILENAME>.
Client Configuratoin
The client configuration file allows access to flags and default parameters used within the edu.rochester.cs.quagents3.client package. Options are as follows: