Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Quagents AINodes

Jun 2, 2011 1:41:20 PM (13 years ago)



  • Quagents AINodes

    v8 v9  
    1515 * val1: unused
    1616 * valf1: theta, the heading in which the agent should walk relative to its current facing. 0 is straight ahead, 90 is strafe left, etc.
    17  * valf2: unused
     17 * valf2: speed, 1.0 = normal maximum bot movement speed, 0 = stopped. 2.25 is as fast a rocket, 5 is as fast as a plasma ball. Increasing movement speed also increases how far the bot looks ahead to see if it should say it is blocked.
    2222== AINode_GJumpOnce ==
    23 This node asks the quagent to make a single forward jump. It won't jump off (or even near) cliffs, into walls, bounce pads, or into slime or lava. The behavior ends only when the quagent has landed ''and is ready to jump again'' (Quake introduces a small delay), even if this does not occur for some time. The behavior ends on the NEXT landing, too, so if called while the bot is already jumping (or otherwise in the air), it will have no effect.
     23This node asks the quagent to make a single directional jump. It won't jump off (or even near) cliffs, into walls, bounce pads, or into slime or lava. The behavior ends only when the quagent has landed ''and is ready to jump again'' (Quake introduces a small delay), even if this does not occur for some time. The behavior ends on the NEXT landing, too, so if called while the bot is already jumping (or otherwise in the air), it will have no effect. FIXME: This seems a little buggy - sometimes he jumps twice!
    2626 * val1: state, used as internal state tracking.
    27  * valf1: unused
    28  * valf2: unused
     27 * valf1: theta, the heading in which the agent should jump relative to its current facing. 0 is straight ahead, 90 is strafe left, etc.
     28 * valf2: speed, 1.0 = normal maximum bot movement speed, 0 = stopped. 2.25 is as fast a rocket, 5 is as fast as a plasma ball. Increasing movement speed also increases how far the bot looks ahead to see if it should say it is blocked.