Changes between Version 75 and Version 76 of ProtocolZero

Jun 22, 2011 11:39:15 AM (14 years ago)



  • ProtocolZero

    v75 v76  
    8080  * float shoveangle_yaw
    8181  * float shoveangle_pitch
     82 * ''[[sy]]'' - "SaY". Takes two arguments. (See description.)
     83  * float volume
     84  * string message
    8285* Basic Queries
    8386 * ''[[hc]]'' - "Health, Current". Takes no arguments.
    177180 * get [ENTITYID] - picks up an item from the environment
    178181 * drop [ENTITYID] - drops an item from inventory
    179  * move [LOCATION] - bot moves to specified location. uses native pathfinding. It would be nice if along the way it used Quake's goal system. That would give us free puzzle-solving/button-pushing/surfacing-for-air.
    180  * move [OBJECT] - finds the location of specified object, and pathfinds to it using move[LOCATION].
    181  * echo [STRING] - reports a string back over the socket to the user
    182  * say [STRING] - Quagent "speaks" the STRING aloud. Has limited range. Possible implementation for user with speech synth. Used during Quagent collaboration.   
    183  * look [???] - sends an image over the socket back to the user representing what the agent can see - may be zoomed or variable-resolution? Use OpenGL.
    184  * lookdepth [???] - like look, but sends the OpenGL Zbuffer not framebuffer back over the socket.
    185  * listen [TIME] - sends sounds back to the user for the specified time. This seems like it might be Hard.
    186 * Invokable Quake Behavior (Implement last)
    187  * whereareyou? - returns what the bot usually says if you ask it that in a team game ("I'm by the rail gun in the blue base." sort of things).
    188  * followsmart [ENTITY] - smartly follows the given character using Quake's follow chat command.
    189 * Sensors
    190  * currentItem - returns description of currently held items.
     182 * look [...] - sends an image over the socket back to the user representing what the agent can see - may be zoomed or variable-resolution? Use OpenGL.
     183 * lookdepth [...] - like look, but sends the OpenGL Zbuffer not framebuffer back over the socket.
    204198 * listen [POSITION] - listens for Quagent communications at the given POSITION.
    205199 * pause [VOID] - global pause. calling this while paused acts as a resume.
    208 == WalterAPI ==
    209 Walter mentioned to me that he would like implementations of the following functions (which we haven't done yet):
    210  * SENSORS
    211   * current_item       
    212  * ACTIONS
    213   * player_use