Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of ProtocolZero

May 31, 2011 11:30:38 AM (14 years ago)



  • ProtocolZero

    v6 v7  
    1212It might be nice to allow all commands to be suffixed with a MAX_DURATION as well? The idea there is that you get a unified framework for specifying how long to do something before quitting.
    14 A future goal is to implement an "overseer" structure which collects and returns macroscopic game data, such as all Quagents' position and group-based metrics (TBD). The idea is that there are two types of connection permissions - overseer and Quagent. This is defined during initial connection, either with a character permission system or the utilization of a different port number.
     14A future goal is to implement a GOD (Global Overview Director) structure which collects and returns macroscopic game data, such as all Quagents' position and group-based metrics (TBD). The idea is that there are two types of connection permissions - GOD and Quagent. This is defined during initial connection, either with a character permission system or the utilization of a different port number.
    1616== Specification ==
    3232* Basic robot-like functions for users who want low-level fine control. (Implement first)
    3333 * move [DIRECTION,DISTANCE] - bot moves in given direction for the specified distance.
    34  * move [LOCATION] - bot moves to specified location.
     34 * move [LOCATION] - bot moves to specified location. uses native pathfinding. It would be nice if along the way it used Quake's goal system. That would give us free puzzle-solving/button-pushing/surfacing-for-air.
    3535 * move [DIRECTION] - bot moves according to DIRECTION indefinitely until a collision occurs.
     36 * move [OBJECT] - finds the location of specified object, and pathfinds to it using move[LOCATION].
    3637 * rotate [ROTATIONAL,AZIMUTHAL] - rotates the bot clockwise by the specified rotational and azimuthal angles.
    3738 * echo [STRING] - reports a string back over the socket to the user
    4748 * follow [ENTITY] [DIST] - Bot moves toward/away from entity until it is at the given distance, if possible, and attempts to maintain that.
    4849 * track [ENTITY] - Bot rotates to face entity.
    49 * Invokable Quake Behaviors (Implement last)
    50  * getto [OBJECT] - finds the location of such an object and then does the below.
    51  * getto [LOCATION] - pathfinds its way to the location. It would be nice if along the way it used Quake's goal system. That would give us free puzzle-solving/button-pushing/surfacing-for-air.
     50* Invokable Quake Behavior (Implement last)
    5251 * whereareyou? - returns what the bot usually says if you ask it that in a team game ("I'm by the rail gun in the blue base." sort of things).
    5352 * followsmart [ENTITY] - smartly follows the given character using Quake's follow chat command.