Version 10 (modified by jherwitz, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Java Quagents Client ¶
The Java Quagents Client is made of two parts - the core API and the front-end Scenarios. The API is meant for internal development, and will usually not be necessary to modify for most intents and purposes. The front-end is meant for general user development - research, education, et cetera.
Compiling The Client ¶
To compile the client, simply navigate to the client/API/ directory and type "ant". To remove the associated build directory and executable jar, type "ant clean".
Launching The Client ¶
The server and client must be launched independently. The server must be running when the client jar is executed.
To start the server: ¶
- Navigate to the top-level quagents directory.
- Launch the server using the run script by executing "./ <builddir>", where <builddir> corresponds to the directory which you specified during initial installation.
NOTE: if you receive an error when attempting to run the script, use the command "chmod u+x" to fix.
To start the client: ¶
- Navigate to <topdir>/client/API/, where <topdir> corresponds to the top-level quagents directory.
- Execute the command "java -jar Quagents3.jar <SCENARIONAME> <MAP>".
- For a list of usable maps and scenarios, execute "java -jar Quagents3.jar" (note: this is not synchronized with new maps and scenarios automatically, these must be inserted at ScenarioStarter?.java).
Internal Structure ¶
External (User-Level) Structure ¶
List of Files ¶
For More Information ¶
For more detailed information on class and method uses, see the javadoc, located at <topdir>/client/API/doc/
Attachments (1)
- Java_Duke.png (13.4 KB) - added by jherwitz 14 years ago.
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