34 | | All objects in quake which may impact the game world are treated as Entities, and represented with the Entity interface. |
| 34 | All objects in quake which may impact the game world are treated as Entities, and represented with the Entity interface. This includes both the GOD (Director) and Quagents. All Commands and ReaderThreads (see below) use entities to perform internal operations, so socket operations are independent of entity type. |
| 35 | |
| 36 | ==== Client (Entity) ==== |
| 37 | |
| 38 | The Client entity is an implementation of a QuagentEntity, which is a derived form the aforementioned Entity. It represents a Quagent in the Quake world. The Client is notable because it provides a multitude of convenience methods for executing Commands. We realize that the , so this provides a more functional paradigm for users. |
37 | | The Java client is built on Command objects. These objects each represent one or more commands. Each command must first be instantiated, which sets all relevant parameters and generates necessary structures for use in data retrieval. At this point, the Command is independent of a command "executor". Once the command is constructed, it must then be attached to an executor. This may most easily be accomplished by using the Entity Another important structure is the non-blocking ReaderThread. Each entity has a ReaderThread associated |
| 41 | |
| 42 | The Java client is built on Command objects. These objects each represent one or more commands. Each command must first be instantiated, which sets all relevant parameters and generates necessary structures for use in data retrieval. At this point, the Command is independent of a command "executor". Once the command is constructed, it must then be attached to an executor. This may most easily be accomplished by using the Entity |
| 43 | |
| 44 | === ReaderThread === |
| 45 | |
| 46 | Another important structure is the non-blocking ReaderThread. Each entity has a ReaderThread associated with it, which handles read operations from the socket. Once a message is read, it is parsed and interpreted, at which point the ReaderThread locates the Command object associated with the message (by using the command ID and a list of currently running operations) and performs the relevant operation. |
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| 48 | === Listeners === |