This page details the ASCII scheme used for communication between client and server. For now, we only deal with live commands, as all initial commands are handled by the wiki:Pending structure and interpreter. For further information on function uses and implementations, see wiki:ProtocolZero '''Format''' The IOScheme takes the same basic form as the wiki:QuagentISA: ---- Priority OPcode Parameters ---- '''Documentation''' * Functions currently implemented for client utilization in Quagents3 * move [DIRECTION][DISTANCE]: OPcode = "ma" * Additional Notes: DIRECTION-> 0=FORWARDS, 1=BACKWARDS, 2=LEFT, 3=RIGHT * move[DIRECTION]: OPcode = "mb" * See above for DIRECTION I/O defn. * move[POINT]: OPcode = "mc"\n * jump[VOID]: OPcode = "ju" * rotate[ROTATIONAL][AZIMUTHAL]: OPcode = "ro"