== EventSocket == The event socket is used for event-based data that has nothing to do with any particular command on the command channel. To establish a connection, connect to port 6001 while URCS Quagents3 is running. Next, issue an "identity X" (where X is the entitynum of the quagent) command to create an event socket for that quagent. '''Messages:'''[[BR]] All messages on the event socket start with "ev". * sy - "Say" * returns X M where X is the entityid of the speaking quagent, and M is the message, terminated by a newline. * dt - "Death" * returns the quagent's own entityid when it dies '''Example:''' * User sends: "n sy 512 600 Hello, I am a quagent." * On the EventSocket of all bots within 600 units that have line-of-sight, the message "ev sy 1 Hello, I am a quagent." arrives (terminated by a newline). * Quagent 1 is killed. * On quagent 1's event socket, the message ev dt 1 arrives.