Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of Compiling Quagents

Aug 25, 2011 10:40:45 AM (14 years ago)



  • Compiling Quagents

    v12 v13  
    11= Compiling Quagents =
    22Our code is derived from the [[ioquake3|http://www/]] svn repository as of 23 June 2011.
    3 {{{
    4     svn co svn:// ioquake3
    5 }}}
    6 Possibly this was revision 2053. There doesn't appear to a tag or branch in the repo corresponding to exactly the code used for the available binaries, which simply say "built from Subversion 1.36 branch." The branch viewed in TRAC shows no recent changes.
     3Possibly this was revision 2053. There doesn't appear to a tag or branch in the repo corresponding to exactly the code used for the available binaries, which simply say "built from Subversion 1.36 branch." The branch viewed in TRAC shows no recent changes. Our code was updated to include revisions made in ioquake3 up to and including revision 2147 on August 23rd.
    85The best way to compile is to either use the bash script located in the trunk directory, which will invoke "make release tidy relocate", or to invoke "make release tidy relocate" yourself. The script will compile the executibles and vm code, remove unnecessary files, and copy some .pk3 files (zip archives) from other areas of the repository into the proper directory.
    1714== Mac OSX ==
    18 In brief, the install script should do everything right. I then needed to move some SDL dynamic libraries into the executable's directory (or maybe the working directory?) to get it to boot, and then we have huge problems with block copies and it's completely unusable.
     15Run the install script at trunk/ If you do not have SDL installed, you may need to move the libSDL-1.2.0.dylib file from the trunk/ioquake3/code/libs/macosx into some location included in your PATH.
     17This will result in the creation of an executable called ioquake3.i386 or ioquake3.x86_64. Due to a bug in ioquake3 (existing in ioquake3 revision 2147 and many before), the Quake Virtual Machine does not work on MacOSX. You must disable running with the virtual machine by passing ioquake3.i386 (or ioquake3.x86_64) the following command line arguments: "+set sv_pure 0 +set vm_game 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_ui 0".
    2019== Windows ==
    3837== Everything Else ==
    39 You're currently on your own, sorry. Give the makefile a shot and see what happens.
     38You're currently on your own, sorry. Give the install script or the makefile a shot and see what happens.