Changes between Version 49 and Version 50 of Clojure Client Tutorial

Aug 8, 2011 3:15:58 PM (14 years ago)



  • Clojure Client Tutorial

    v49 v50  
    1010If you're having trouble with leiningen, type "lein help" in the shell to see available commands (you can configure leiningen individually for each project, however, so these will differ depending on which directory you are in). Leiningen supports integration with emacs via the swank/slime mechanism, and if you're bent on using this, you can read up on it here [[]] (I strongly recommend that you don't attempt this unless you're a emacs expert, as you will likely have to tweak emacs quite a bit to get it working; a simpler solution is to use gvim with the vimclojure script: this provides syntax highlighting and indentation and works out of the box).
    12 Once you have the script in a directory of your choice, add the following to your .cshrc file
    14 "setenv PATH "$PATH":"/path/to/leiningen/sript".
     12Once you have the script in a directory of your choice, add the following to your .cshrc file (assuming you are using the c shell; else lookup specific instructions for your shell)
     15setenv PATH "$PATH":"/path/to/leiningen/sript
    1618You could skip this step but it will less convenient later on for debugging.
    18 At this point I recommend reading "Joy of Clojure", by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser. This is an excellent introduction to clojure if you are already familiar with lisp or scheme.  Much of the inspiration for this client comes from this book so if you're having trouble figuring out what is going on, this will provide most of the background you will need.  If you're short on time or funds, just search for online tutorials, there are plenty out there.  If you need to quickly look up the documentation on any particular function, just type "(doc f)" in the REPL where f is the function (This will also work for functions that you define provided that you wrote docstrings or added meta-data).
     20At this point I recommend reading "Joy of Clojure", by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser. This is an excellent introduction to clojure if you are already familiar with lisp or scheme.  Much of the inspiration for this client comes from this book so if you're having trouble figuring out what is going on, this will provide most of the background you will need.  If you're short on time or funds, just search for online tutorials, there are plenty out there.  If you need to quickly look up the documentation on any particular function, just type "(doc <function name>)" in the REPL (This will also work for functions that you define provided that you wrote docstrings or added meta-data).
    2022Lisp and Scheme resources: