20 | 7 | The first thing you need before using this client is the Leiningen script. This tool makes managing clojure projects relatively easy by providing a REPL, automatically downloading dependencies, compiling your projects into jar files, and many other useful abilities. You can download Leiningen and read its tutorial here [[https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen]] and here [[https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/doc/TUTORIAL.md]], respectively. If you're having trouble with leiningen, type "lein help" in the shell to see available commands (you can configure leiningen individually for each project, however, so these will differ depending on which directory you are in). Leiningen supports integration with emacs via the swank/slime mechanism, and if you're bent on using this, you can read up on it here [[http://dev.clojure.org/display/doc/Getting+Started]] (I strongly recommend that you don't attempt this unless you're a emacs expert, as you will likely have to tweak emacs quite a bit to get it working; a simpler solution is to use gvim with the vimclojure script: this provides syntax highlighting and indentation and works out of the box). |