URCS Systems Group Seminar Schedule

Systems seminars are at 2:00-3:30 PM every Friday in Wegmans Hall room 2506 (2nd floor conference room) unless otherwise noted.

Subscribe to the Systems group mailing list (cs-systems@lists.rochester.edu) to receive announcements of upcoming seminars.

To schedule a talk, contact Yifan ZHU (current systems seminar organizer and URCS PhD student):
( λx. λy. λz. y @ z. x) edu yifanzhu rochester

Please note: time slots are allocated first-come, first-serve. If you have an urgent deadline, and you feel another already-allocated talk should be bumped to make room for yours, please talk to a systems faculty member to get approval. Rearranging the schedule can be disruptive and complicated, so I will only bump a scheduled talk by faculty request. If you anticipate a critical deadline (e.g., a conference or job talk that will need practice), please try to schedule in advance, so you don't risk missing out. Thanks!

Dashed lines with a blank "Date" column indicate multiple talks sharing the same time slot.

Slides and papers posted/linked below are copyright the respective author(s) with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. Please contact the author(s) for permission before redistributing, re-presenting or creating derivative works from them, unless a permissive license is declared on the document itself which permits otherwise. (Published academic papers are typically licensed permissively for personal and classroom use.)

Page originally created and maintained by Ethan Johnson (PhD student, URCS) © 2018-2023.
Maintained by Yifan ZHU © 2023-[date of last update].