Scalable Reader-Writer Synchronization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Pseudocode from article of the above name, PPoPP '91. John M. Mellor-Crummey and Michael L. Scott. The queue-based locks below perform well in tests on machines with scores of processors.

Simple, non-scalable reader-preference lock

  type lock = unsigned integer
    // layout of lock
    //  31         ...          1        0        
    // +-------------------------+----------------+
    // | interested reader count | active writer? |
    // +-------------------------+----------------+
  const WAFLAG = 0x1  // writer active flag
  const RC_INCR = 0x2 // to adjust reader count
  procedure start_write (L : ^lock)
      repeat until compare_and_store (L, 0, WAFLAG)
  procedure start_read (L : ^lock)
      atomic_add (L, RC_INCR)
      repeat until (L^ & WAFLAG) = 0
  procedure end_write (L : ^lock)
      atomic_add (L, -WAFLAG)
  procedure end_read (L : ^lock)
      atomic_add (L, -RC_INCR) 

Simple, non-scalable writer-preference lock

  type lock = record
      write_requests, write_completions : unsigned integer := 0, 0
      rdr_cnt_and_flag : unsigned integer
          // layout
          //  31         ...          1        0        
          // +-------------------------+----------------+
          // | interested reader count | active writer? |
          // +-------------------------+----------------+
      const WFLAG = 1     // writer active flag
      const RC_INCR = 2   // constant used to adjust the reader count
  procedure start_read (L : ^lock)
      repeat until L->write_requests = L->write_completions
      atomic_add (&L->rdr_cnt_and_flag, RC_INCR)
      repeat until (L->rdr_cnt_and_flag & WFLAG) = 0
  procedure start_write (L : ^lock)
      previous_writers : unsigned integer
          := fetch_and_increment (&L->write_requests)
      repeat until L->write_completions = previous_writers
      repeat until compare_and_store (&L->rdr_cnt_and_flag, 0, WFLAG)
  procedure end_read (L : ^lock)
      atomic_add (&L->rdr_cnt_and_flag, -RC_INCR) 
  procedure end_write (L: ^lock)
      atomic_add (&L->rdr_cnt_and_flag, -WFLAG)
      atomic_increment (&L->write_completions)

Simple, non-scalable, fair reader-writer lock

  type counter = unsigned integer
     // layout of counter
     //  31    ...   16 15    ...     0        
     // +------------------------------+
     // | reader count | writer count  |
     // +------------------------------+
  const RC_INCR = 0x10000 // to adjust reader count
  const WC_INCR = 0x1     // to adjust writer count
  const W_MASK  = 0xffff  // to extract writer count
  // mask bit for top of each count
  const WC_TOPMSK = 0x8000      
  const RC_TOPMSK = 0x80000000 
  type lock = record
      requests : counter := 0
      completions : counter := 0
  procedure start_write (L : ^lock)
      counter prev_processes := 
          fetch_and_clear_then_add (&L->requests, WC_TOPMSK, WC_INCR)
      repeat until completions = prev_processes
  procedure start_read (L : ^lock)
      counter prev_writers := 
          fetch_and_clear_then_add (&L->requests, RC_TOPMSK, RC_INCR) & W_MASK
      repeat until (completions & W_MASK) = prev_writers
  procedure end_write (L: ^lock)
      clear_then_add (&L->completions, WC_TOPMSK, WC_INCR)
  procedure end_read (L : ^lock)
      clear_then_add (&L->completions, RC_TOPMSK, RC_INCR)

Reader-preference queue-based lock with local-only spinning

  type qnode = record
      next : ^qnode
      blocked : Boolean
  type RPQlock = record
      reader_head : ^qnode := nil
      writer_tail : ^qnode := nil
      writer_head : ^qnode := nil
      rdr_cnt_and_flags : unsigned integer := 0
  // layout of rdr_cnt_and_flags:
  //  31     ...      2       1              0
  // +-----------------+-------------+-----------------+
  // | interested rdrs | active wtr? | interested wtr? |
  // +-----------------+-------------+-----------------+
  const WIFLAG = 0x1  // writer interested flag
  const WAFLAG = 0x2  // writer active flag
  const RC_INCR = 0x4 // to adjust reader count
  // I points to a qnode record allocated 
  // (in an enclosing scope) in shared memory 
  // locally-accessible to the invoking processor
  procedure start_write (L : ^RPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          blocked := true
          next := nil
          pred: ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&writer_tail,I)
          if pred = nil
              writer_head := I
              if fetch_and_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, WIFLAG) = 0
                  if compare_and_store (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, WIFLAG, WAFLAG)
              // else readers will wake up the writer
              pred->next := I
          repeat while blocked
  procedure end_write (L: ^RPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          writer_head := nil
          // clear wtr flag and test for waiting readers
          if fetch_and_and (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, ~WAFLAG) != 0 
              // waiting readers exist
              head : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&reader_head, nil)
              if head != nil
                  head->blocked := false
          // testing next is strictly an optimization
          if next != nil or not compare_and_store (&writer_tail, I, nil)
              repeat while next = nil  // resolve successor
              writer_head := next
              if fetch_and_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flag,WIFLAG) = 0
                  if compare_and_store (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, WIFLAG, WAFLAG)
                      writer_head->blocked := false
              // else readers will wake up the writer
  procedure start_read (L : ^RPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          // incr reader count, test if writer active
          if fetch_and_add (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, RC_INCR) & WAFLAG
              blocked := true
              next := fetch_and_store (&reader_head, I)
              if (rdr_cnt_and_flag & WAFLAG) = 0  
                  // writer no longer active; wake any waiting readers
                  head : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&reader_head, nil)
                  if head != nil
                      head->blocked := false
              repeat while blocked            // spin
              if next != nil
                  next->blocked := false
  procedure end_read (L : ^RPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          // if I am the last reader, resume the first 
          // waiting writer (if any)
          if fetch_and_add (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, -RC_INCR) = (RC_INCR + WIFLAG)
              if compare_and_store (&rdr_cnt_and_flag, WIFLAG, WAFLAG)
                  writer_head->blocked := false

Writer-preference queue-based lock with local-only spinning

  type qnode : record
      next : ^qnode
      blocked : Boolean
  type WPQlock = record
      reader_head : ^qnode := nil
      writer_tail : ^qnode := nil
      writer_head : ^qnode := nil
      rdr_cnt_and_flags : unsigned integer := 0
  // layout of rdr_cnt_and_flags:
  //  31   ...    3         2          1          0
  // +-------------+-----------+---------------+------+
  // | active rdrs | int. rdr? | wtr & no rdr? | wtr? |
  // +-------------+-----------+---------------+------+
  const WFLAG1 = 0x1  // writer interested or active
  const WFLAG2 = 0x2  // writer, no entering rdr 
  const RFLAG = 0x4   // rdr int. but not active
  const RC_INCR = 0x8 // to adjust reader count
  // I points to a qnode record allocated 
  // (in an enclosing scope) in shared memory 
  // locally-accessible to the invoking processor
  procedure start_write (L : ^WPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          blocked := true
          next := nil
          pred : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&writer_tail, I)
          if pred = nil
              set_next_writer (L, I)
              pred->next := I
          repeat while blocked
  procedure set_next_writer (L : ^WPQlock, W : ^qnode)
      with L^
          writer_head := W
          if not (fetch_and_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flags,WFLAG1) & RFLAG)
              // no reader in timing window
              if not (fetch_and_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, WFLAG2) >= RC_INCR)
                  // no readers are active
                  W->blocked := false
  procedure start_read (L : ^WPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          blocked := true
          next := fetch_and_store (&reader_head, I)
          if next = nil
              // first arriving reader in my group
              // set rdr interest flag, test writer flag
              if not (fetch_and_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, RFLAG)
                      & (WFLAG1 + WFLAG2))
                  // no active or interested writers 
                  unblock_readers (L)
          repeat while blocked
          if next != nil
              atomic_add (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, RC_INCR)
              next->blocked := false // wake successor
  procedure unblock_readers (L : ^WPQlock)
      with L^
          // clear rdr interest flag, increment rdr count
          atomic_add (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, RC_INCR - RFLAG)
          // indicate clear of window
          if (rdr_cnt_and_flags & WFLAG1) and not (rdr_cnt_and_flags & WFLAG2)
              atomic_or (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, WFLAG2)
          // unblock self and any other waiting rdrs 
          head : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&reader_head, nil)
          head->blocked := false
  procedure end_write (L : ^WPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          if next != nil
              next->blocked := false
              // clear writer flag, test reader interest flag
              if fetch_and_and (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, ~(WFLAG1 + WFLAG2)) & RFLAG
                  unblock_readers (L)
              if compare_and_store (&writer_tail, I, nil)
                  repeat while next = nil
                  set_next_writer (L, next)
  procedure end_read (L : ^WPQlock, I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          if (fetch_and_add (&rdr_cnt_and_flags, -RC_INCR) & ~RFLAG)
                  = (RC_INCR + WFLAG1 + WFLAG2)
              // last active rdr must wake waiting writer
              writer_head->blocked := false
          // if only WFLAG1 is set and not WFLAG2, then 
          // the writer that set it will take care of itself 

Fair queue-based reader-writer lock with local-only spinning

  type qnode = record
      class : (reading, writing)
      next : ^qnode
      state : record
          blocked : Boolean    // need to spin 
          successor_class : (none, reader, writer)
  type lock = record
      tail : ^qnode := nil
      reader_count : integer := 0
      next_writer : ^qnode := nil
  // I points to a qnode record allocated 
  // (in an enclosing scope) in shared memory 
  // locally-accessible to the invoking processor
  procedure start_write (L : ^lock; I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          class := writing; next := nil
          state := [true, none]
          pred : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&tail, I)
          if pred = nil
              next_writer := I
              if reader_count = 0 and fetch_and_store (&next_writer,nil) = I
                  // no reader who will resume me 
                  blocked := false
              // must update successor_class before updating next 
              pred->successor_class := writer 
              pred->next := I
          repeat while blocked
  procedure end_write (L: ^lock; I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          if next != nil or not compare_and_store (&tail, I, nil)
              // wait until succ inspects my state 
              repeat while next = nil   
              if next->class = reading
                  atomic_increment (&reader_count)
              next->blocked := false
  procedure start_read (L : ^lock; I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          class := reading; next := nil 
          state := [true, none]
          pred : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (&tail, I)
          if pred = nil
              atomic_increment (&reader_count)
              blocked := false  // for successor
              if pred->class = writing or compare_and_store (&pred->state, 
                         [true, none], [true, reader])
                  // pred is a writer, or a waiting reader
                  // pred will increment reader_count and release me
                  pred->next := I
                  repeat while blocked
                  // increment reader_count and go
                  atomic_increment (&reader_count)
                  pred->next := I
                  blocked := false
          if successor_class = reader
              repeat while next = nil
              atomic_increment (&reader_count)
              next->blocked := false
  procedure end_read (L : ^lock; I : ^qnode)
      with I^, L^
          if next != nil or not compare_and_store (&tail, I, nil)
              // wait until successor inspects my state 
              repeat while next = nil     
              if successor_class = writer
                  next_writer := next
          if fetch_and_decrement (&reader_count) = 1
                  and (w := next_writer) != nil
                  and reader_count = 0
                  and compare_and_store (&next_writer, w, nil)
              // I'm the last active reader and there exists a waiting
              // writer and no readers *after* identifying the writer
              w->blocked := false
NB: This code for end_read differs from that published in the PPoPP paper. The version here reflects a bug fix submitted by Keir Fraser of Cambridge University in January 2003.

Last Change: 8 December 2003 /